Red-headed stepchild

By Hybrid, in CoC General Discussion

After watching the GenCon Recap videos who would know that the Call of Cthulhu LCG even exists!? Is the game even in their catalog? I understand that AGOT, Netrunner and Star Wars are their hot items but at our local store we're getting a lot of cross-pollination and you'd think that would be something they'd want to promote? Come on, how much effort does it take to insert a brief shot of the N. American Championship and it's eventual winner and just mention it's name? Are they having trouble pronouncing it? Maybe someone should tell them that they are sounds that the human pallet cannot produce and to just give it their best shot? You can do it FFG, Cth.... Cthuu... Cthulll... Cthulhu!! See, that wasn't so bad! ;)

Edited by Hybrid

Ya, I was a bit suprised to... Thought maybe it would end up in some other recap video, but those never happeened either.

While, it may of been possible that the footage they got was bad, not really excuse for not at least mentioning it....

Also, I think there were a few other games not mentioned as well. Ah well.

For those not on (where most of the chattering has commenced):

Top 4:

1. Tom Capor - yog/shub yithian mill

2. Brandon Hulings - yog/shub control (three bells, rite of the silver gate)

3. Travis Hixon - miskatonic splashing hastur rush

4. John Hartigan - Cthulhu/ Yog control.

Tom Capor won it all.

Congratulations to all! Perhaps FFG will give the Cthulhu LCG it's due at Worlds?

Yes, this was a rather unfortunate oversight on FFG's part. I realize Call of Cthulhu isn't as big a money maker as Netrunner but just a brief mention would have been nice, that's all we're really asking for. All the LCGs have their fans and all of them deserve at least a short mention.

Agreed that at least a mention would not have sucked. I'm sure they'll do a post GenCon announcement for the front page.

The real problem is we need more players so that the game gets more attention.

The best way to get more players is for FFG to actually _advertise_ the game. It's not even in the catalog insert inside the latest deluxe expansion for crying out loud!

No mention in recap videos, the game not showing up in catalogs, last minute verbal errata announced mere minutes before the second biggest Cthulhu tournament in the states (and without insuring all players are present) and Cthulhu TOs who prefer to watch the Netrunner tournament rather than pay attention to the Cthulhu tournament they are currently running (just to name a few, I could go on) ... these all send a signal to current and future players that this game is not worth our (FFG) time, so why should it be worth yours (new/current player)?

I'm all for trying to build up our community ... I love the game, but it's a losing battle if even FFG seems like they couldn't care less about it.

Yes, I'm sorry to say that I had to leave CoC behind since no one but me and one friend really enjoyed (or understood) the mythos setting. So, I got two core sets (one for a friend if they visited), the first two cycles (not including the one that is now considered the "first" one on BGG), and Secrets of Arkham...before they decided to do the 3X packs. So, I'm not bloody likely going to re-purchase the first sets just to get the extra cards for decks that would require 3X copies of a card. Yeah, I'm one of those completionists who like ALL options on the table :)

Hell, I was so excited about the whole LCG model, I even bought Warhammer, too, with the first cycle and expansion. Alas, none of my friends dug the fantasy game because it was Not-Magic and found it less enjoyable. I guess I need to get some new friends.

I will always thank FFG for creating the LCG model and I think CoC helped 'spawn' it. Unfortunately, I think CoC is just too niche for the masses and the story resolving is a bit clunky for my friends who don't get the whole Insanity angle.

Edited by Buatha

Maybe I'm misreading you, but you're claiming that game mechanics become clunky if the players are unable to understand what the theme of the game is? That seems to be quite a stretch in definitions...

I think you may be right about needing to get some new friends, these ones seem a bit narrow-minded ;)

Perhaps you can find a league or start a league somewhere in the Houston area? I was a servitor in the CCG days and I struggled mightily but managed to gather three-four players. With the LCG model we've been more successful but it's never easy. It's always been worth my efforts though and if you enjoy the game as it seems you do, reach out to your local game stores and see if you can recruit some acolytes. Personally my favorite part of the game is 'insanity'! It's true that the game's Mythos theme is not for everyone but even those players enjoy the games core mechanics and card synergy preferring it even to the other LCGS. Mind you many of our new players were/are competitive Magic players!

As a 42 year old, my last experience at a local game store was a little weird. I think I was the oldest guy for a Magic draft tournament by two player had to forfeit because his mom said it was time to come home :) The truly hard part is not even being able to practice any of the LCGs until someone comes over, then it's more explanation than playing.

I understand where you are all coming from, but I don't live near a FLGS and my friends are a bit narrow-minded when it comes to card games since they simply believe that everyone else is trying to copy Magic and the copies aren't enough to make them invest in other card games (they don't have a lot of disposable income). It's okay, I'm over it.

The good news is that our kids new school's principal is a big board/card gamer, so there is a little light at the end of the tunnel if we can find one or two more people. Plus, my son is showing some aptitude for gaming, so there's always a player at home...eventually ;)

I still have the cards, I'm just not going to be investing further into the game for the foreseeable future.

Edited by Buatha

I get ya'! I'm well into my 40s, have an 8m and 2 1/2 year old and I don't have time to mess around like I used to. I have the tendency these days to give a potential player only so much of my time before I leave them to their own. I'll demo and perhaps play outside my normal schedule a couple of times and after that it's up to them. Many local gamers who made an initial purchase did so to build 4 or 5 balanced decks and now play the game much like a board game, never showing up at leagues or official competitive events. I'm big into The Call of Cthulhu RPG and read all kinds of Mythos literature so even if one day FFG decides to stop producing the LCG I will get my fix one way or another. ;)

Good luck to you Buatha!

It may just be that store that caters to a young crowd. Most places I've been have a variety of ages.

I'm 41, my main opponent is a few years older than me, and we've got another 40-ish guy that's started showing up recently. At the Call of Cthulhu tournament at Gencon it was mostly 30's or so I'd say.