I'm going to play an Air Caste Tau (GM&I agreed on some stats for it based on stuff I've found online) Void Master as my new character in a RT game I'm currently in.
So ATM I'm looking for whatever Tau stuff I can find statted in the books.
What I have so far:
-Rogue Trader Into the Storm has stats for Tau Pulse Rifles, Carbines and Pistols.
-Deathwatch core&Mark of the Xenos have stats for some more Tau weapons and stats for Fire Warrior Armor, Stealth Suit, Crisis Suit and Broadside Suit can be reverse engineered from stat blocks
-Deathwatch Rites of Battle has stats for several ground and air Tau vehicles.
I'm looking for more stuff (especially Tau ships), official preferrable, but fan-made also works.
Any help grealy appreciated.