Stats for Tau stuff (especially voidships)

By LordBlades, in Rogue Trader

I'm going to play an Air Caste Tau (GM&I agreed on some stats for it based on stuff I've found online) Void Master as my new character in a RT game I'm currently in.

So ATM I'm looking for whatever Tau stuff I can find statted in the books.

What I have so far:

-Rogue Trader Into the Storm has stats for Tau Pulse Rifles, Carbines and Pistols.

-Deathwatch core&Mark of the Xenos have stats for some more Tau weapons and stats for Fire Warrior Armor, Stealth Suit, Crisis Suit and Broadside Suit can be reverse engineered from stat blocks

-Deathwatch Rites of Battle has stats for several ground and air Tau vehicles.

I'm looking for more stuff (especially Tau ships), official preferrable, but fan-made also works.

Any help grealy appreciated.

I generally recommend against just adopting material from the other games "as is", because the profiles of the various vehicles and equipment were tooled to fit in with that specific style of gameplay and its player characters. I'm sure that, during your research, you have already noticed that stats for one and the same item, be it a weapon or an NPC, can differ considerably between the different games. For example, guns and enemies in Deathwatch were designed to be a threat to Space Marine characters and, due to how Toughness works in FFG's 40k RPGs, have to be stronger than what you'd encounter in a DH or RT game.

In short, it may well be that things sourced from the Deathwatch RPG without tweaking turn out to be too powerful for your players.

If you are interested in an alternate approach and have access to the 40k tabletop books, perhaps you may want to give this approach a try. It basically works by comparing items already present in your game's RAW to their counterpart in the GW ruleset, using them as a sort of Rosetta Stone to extrapolate anything else. Since the 40k tabletop features a "neutral" ruleset that does not favour one faction over another, you should be able to attain profiles that are fairly balanced and fit in nicely with the rest.

For Tau spaceships, you could use the free PDFs from GW's Battlefleet Gothic strategy game.

The Imperial ships you'd need as Rosetta Stones for a comparison to profiles already present in Rogue Trader RPG books can be found in these two files:

Also, not sure if this is of any help, but here's a cool article about Tau Envoys from GW's Inquisitor RPG.

There are actually two tau fleets articles...

and google "m201010_BFG_Tau_Protection_Fleet.pdf" for some fan hostings of that.

Here is a thread comparing the two fleets:

Also remember that there is precedent for converting BFG ships to Rogue Trader rules... most of the hulls that existed in BFG actually had that done! It's inexact, though, but you should be able to get close by looking at apples to apples.

I generally recommend against just adopting material from the other games "as is", because the profiles of the various vehicles and equipment were tooled to fit in with that specific style of gameplay and its player characters. I'm sure that, during your research, you have already noticed that stats for one and the same item, be it a weapon or an NPC, can differ considerably between the different games. For example, guns and enemies in Deathwatch were designed to be a threat to Space Marine characters and, due to how Toughness works in FFG's 40k RPGs, have to be stronger than what you'd encounter in a DH or RT game.

Honestly, I'm not that worried about power disparity. The party already has a Deatwatch Marine, and the Rogue Trader himself, between Power Armor, Machine (3) from Augmenticist and a body full of cybernetics is close to Space Marine resilience as well(not HP though). Not sure about the 3rd party member (Arch-Miitant) as I've been on an extended break for the campaign. EDIT: after poking a bit, she'd probably be just fine in Deathwatch too. She has Power Armor,a 50 rating shield and party just raided a Dark Eldar stronghold and looted a Clone Field she got to keep (so one extra Dodge, can reroll Dodges and every degree of success counts as two.

Also, the authors seemed to have aimed for similar power levels regarding Tau stuff. The Pulse Rifle for example is 2d10+3 Pen 4 in RT and 2d10+2 Pen 4 in DW, pretty similar in damage output to a RT Storm Bolter. Burster Cannon for DW seems also pretty much in line with RT Heavy Bolter. Seeker Missiles seem roughly on par with RT Krak Missiles as well. Now I haven't checked each and every weapon but most of those that I did seem pretty in line with RT, apart from Broadside Railguns (bot those are supposed to be devastating when they hit, and as single shot can be easily dodged).

Thanks both of you for the ship resources. Will take a look at them tomorrow when I have a bit of time.

Edited by LordBlades

I happen to have grabbed someone else's love for Tau file, an added to it. I remember also nabbing some Tau ships, but alas my file is blank for that resource. :( Ohh well. For further information, Click here. Happy gaming.