Starting Implants/Augmentation for Mechanicus PCs?

By seanpp, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

It's not clear in 2nd Edition what bionic replacement/implant/augmentation Mechanicus PCs start with . (Of course, I might be missing something.)

In the Mechanicus Background (pg35) the only reference I see is it granting one mechadendrite, implying that perhaps that's the only implant/augmentation starting PCs get.

However, some mechadendrites would require a bionic implant to function (i.e. laser weapon would need the Luminen Capacitor), implying that PCs could start with more implant/augmentation than just one mechadendrite.
At the same time, it restricts the number of implants to a PC's Toughness Bonus, thereby eliminating the possibility that what was intended was for a PC to start with all the Implants on page 163 (a possibility worth noting since 1st Edition had Tech-Priests starting with a lot of augmentation).
Another hint at this subject, is it states that the amount of implants & augmentation can be a good indication of a Tech-Priest's rank - strongly implying that a starting PC's access will be greatly limited.
So how much augmentation/implants does a starting PC get?

Adeptus Mechanicus characters start with the option of having an Optical Mechadendrite (or a servo-skull).

Any further cybernetics would need to be obtained using the "Acquire Additional Equipment" rules on p59, bearing in mind all AdMech characters count the availability of cybernetics as 20 higher. This means that a normal starting character could choose between two and four of the following:

Best Quality Bionic Arm

Best Quality Bionic Leg

Best Quality Bionic Senses

Best Quality Bionic Organ

Best Quality Auger Array

Average Quality Ferric Lure Implants

Best Quality Interface Port

Average Quality Luminen Capacitor

Average Quality Mechadendrite

In other words, most of them. Keep in mind that characters who take the AdMech background may not actually be Tech-Priests, and so cybernetics might not fit with that character's background.