I just finished watching the Adventure Builder's Workshop which is eight 15 minute videos from Gen Con 2010 hosted by Rodney Thompson, Chris Perkins and Bruce Cordell. The information discussed is fairly basic (but still informative especially for newer GMs) but the biggest take away from me is how fun it would be to crowdsource an adventure. The task I set before the players and GMs of this forum is to build and outline a fully functional adventure that can be used in nearly any EOTE campaign.
- Villain
- Locations
- Story/Agenda
- Henchman & Antagonists
- Allies & NPCs
- Reward
- Repercussions
Starting with the Villain we want an NPC with at least a few of the following traits:
- A defined goal and motivation.
- Conviction that what he wants or does is the right thing to do
- Defining traits, quircks and or characteristics
- Backstory
Once those are set we need to think about things like what the villain does when encountered by the PCs (directly or indirectly) his reactions and proactive actions against the party. Do the PCs meet the villain early on and if so is there an 'out' for the villain or even at the climax does the villain have a way to escape/return in a later adventure? If he dies early on is there an available NPC to replace the villain and carry out his plans?
http://dungeonsmaster.com/2010/09/adventure-builder-workshop-the-villain/ Additional reading on villains.
So who is up first with a seed for our villain?
Playlist for Adventure Builder's Workshop
http://dungeonsmaster.com/2010/08/adventure-builders-workshop/ A review/recap of the workshop.
Edited by osu4fan