R.G.G. Presents...Our Star Wars: Edge of the Empire game live-streamed every Tuesday night starting at 9:00pm EST only at www.twitch.tv/robsgamegroup
Come watch as we delve into FFG's next hit RPG, that puts you right in the heart of the Star Wars universe. Learn as the players learn, and watch as they try to make their mark in the universe. You can also catch up on our past games at http://www.youtube.com/user/RobsGameGroup
R.G.G. is a group of gamers located in the Augusta, Georgia area, who love to game and one day decided to start live streaming their games online. With both a pre-game show, half-time show, and a post-game show, R.G.G. is there to answer any gaming questions you may have about both EotE or any other gaming system out there. So click on the above link and follow today. We hope to see you soon.