Pages 180-181. The X-wing is listed ad having more armour than either the Y-wing or B-wing. The later are sturdier than an X-wing, and shouldn't have 2 points less of armour.
Pages 180-181. The X-wing is listed ad having more armour than either the Y-wing or B-wing. The later are sturdier than an X-wing, and shouldn't have 2 points less of armour.
Actually, the B-Wing has usually been considered fairly fragile in prior RPGs, relying more on heavier shields than a stronger hull.
Also, the Y-Wing and B-Wing both have a higher Hull Threshold than the X-Wing, so they're innately tougher in that they can withstand more damage that gets past their armor, the B-Wing especially. Plus the B-Wing has two points of shields on their Front firing arc, making it more difficult to get those hits in to begin with. It's also got a pretty low Strain Threshold, but then the B-Wing is known for being quite finicky.
As for the Y-Wing, the version here has most of its armor plating stripped off (at least if the Clone Wars versions are anything to go by), so that would account for having the lower Armor rating than the more current X-Wing, which still has it's armor plating.
Saga depicted the B-wing with 90hp and the x and y wings with 120, which really means nothing because that system(esp. The vehicle part) is complete and total crap. But in all the fluff the b and y wings are always described as being more solid. Making the armor of the x a 3 like the others would fix the problem, the extra toughness being represented by the extra hull stress on b and y
The Y-wing has two points more hull trauma threshold. That's not even one more attack worth.
Im basing my opinion on the WEG stats, which don't differentiate between armour and HT, so I guess a noticeably higher HT threshold works for the B-wing along with more shields.
Im basing my opinion on the WEG stats, which don't differentiate between armour and HT, so I guess a noticeably higher HT threshold works for the B-wing along with more shields.
I wouldn't take the WEG stats as absolute gospel, as FFG has already shown they're willing to change things up, such as the YT-1300 coming standard with two laser cannons instead of just the one, or the price tags on many ships being adjusted downward. Especially as there's been a whole lot more EU material since the last Star Wars book that WEG published way back in the 90's.
That said, I am thinking maybe the X-Wing's Armor could stand to be reduced down to a 4; it's a bit harder to damage, but not extensively so.
Page 166, Damage Control action. The middle of the first paragraph says that, " [t]he difficulty of the Mechanics check is is determined by the strain the ship is currently suffering as shown on on Table 7-2: Damage Control Difficulty can be attempted as many times as needed… "
It seems to be a run-on sentence, where the first half of the second sentence is missing. Possible change could be " …Damage Control Difficulty . This action can be attempted… "
Page 175: As many of the tables in the book are arranged alphabetically via the Results column, suggest sorting the content of the Results column alphabetically for each critical hit severity. For example, sort the Easy Severity by: Component Hit, Jostled, Knocked Off Course, etc. It doesn't appear that the results get worse as you go down the table within a severity ranking, so it shouldn't affect the numbers range to have them in alphabetical order.
Page 176: Tables 7-10 and 7-11--It's unclear how to use these tables. Should they have a third column added with a d10 number range so that GMs can roll on them to find a component critical hit result? Also, suggest resorting the rows so that they are alphabetical following the Component column.
Page 189: Table 7-15--The entry for Hydraulic Countermeasures Suite should read "Electronic Countermeasures Suite" and the entry for Hardened Control Circuits should read "Hydraulic Control Circuits."
The Y-wing has two points more hull trauma threshold. That's not even one more attack worth.
Im basing my opinion on the WEG stats, which don't differentiate between armour and HT, so I guess a noticeably higher HT threshold works for the B-wing along with more shields.
Sounds like a plan to me, especially because this system generally works with relatively low numbers -- that is, without "big numbers" other than in capital ships' HT and SS Thresholds there isn't that much room for narrow differences between vehicles/starships like there were in prior systems. In fact, the beta book stat of Armor 5... is the same as a CR90/Marauder-class Corvette or a DP20 Gunship and but one point below a EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate.
Page 166: Damage Control. Please clarify how much Hull Trauma the Damage Control action can repair .
Page 190: Ship and Vehicle Modifications.
No mention of the "Upgraded Weapons" Attachment or the associated "Upgrading Weapons" table. It was present in both the EotE beta as well as the final Core book.
Is this intentional? It might have been removed to keep the Age of Rebellion Beta book to a manageable size since that mechanic as already been tested, or maybe weapon upgrades aren't as thematic to the theme of AoR setting.
Page 189: Ship and Vehicle Modifications
Hydraulic Control Circuits, Modification Options, Second Mod should read : 1 Increase System strain threshold by 1 Mod.
Page 179-188: Sensor Ranges
This might not be an error but it's kind of counter intuitive. Multiple starships have weapons with longer range than their sensor range.
Maybe a more detailed description of what sensors are for could be included in the final release?
Page 179-188: Sensor Ranges
This might not be an error but it's kind of counter intuitive. Multiple starships have weapons with longer range than their sensor range.
Maybe a more detailed description of what sensors are for could be included in the final release?
I was just about to mention this. The only reference I can find (well, actually Aazlain found it ) is the Scan the Enemy action, page 170. Also, page 172 mentions that Long Range enemies appear as " flickering phantoms on the screens of each sides' scanner systems. " So if you can detect at long range anyway, what good is listing sensor range, then?
p. 181, TIE/ln Interceptor does not have a Sensor Range listed.
p. 181, B-Wing: the second weapon listed is spelled "canon" instead of "cannon".
p. 187 Imperial 1 Class Star Destroyer:
(consolidatable entry) The two Heavy Turbolaser entries can be combined into a single one, reducing line count by 1.
Likewise, the battleship ion cannon entries.
p. 188 Victory Class Star Destroyer:
(inconsistent style) - the Medium Turbolasers are listed after the Light Turbolaser batteries .
(Missing trait) The Twin Medium Turbolaser entries are missing the Linked Trait
(consolidatable entry) The Forward and Dorsal Twin Medium Turbolaser entries can be combined into one.
Edited by aramisp. 189 Names of Attachments in Table 7-15
Hardened Control Circuits=Hydraulic Control Circuits
Hydraulic Countermeasures Suite= Electronic Countermeasures Suite
Page 185. Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser
Cost/Rarity: 7,200,000/6 -- Shouldn't this also have an ( R ) for Restricted? After all, it's a heavy cruiser and not the sort of thing that individuals with enough credits should be able to just purchase. Imperial, sector and planetary governments would typically want some sort of restrictions on just who is allowed to purchase major warships.
As an aside, the price IMO should also be a bit higher. According to the materials the Dreadnought -class heavy cruiser is an older design than some of the newer vessels, but it's still about twice the size of the Nebulon B -class Frigate which costs 1.3 mil. credits more.
Edited by Rhenora GemingPage 180: The X-Wing's back up hyperdrive is listed as N/A instead of None for all other vehicles.
Page 181: The B-Wing has several weapons listed as "Hardpoint Mounted" and I don't see this referenced elsewhere. Is it then possible to unmount these weapons and gain hardpoints?
Page 188: Victory-class Star Destroyer is noted as being a Victory II. It should be a Victory I instead based upon its speed and armament.
(Wrong thread).
Edited by aramis
Ok, i don't know if the Beta period is over or not, but i just received my beta copy (apparently France is a long way from Minnesota
). I noticed a few errors in the Starships and Vehicles sections (my own speciality in Star Wars geekdom).
p.185. Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser
Hyperdrive primary should be 2.
Also, it is Dreadnaught, not Dreadnought. With an A it is for this particular class of ship, with an O it is the class of ships that are bigger than Battlecruisers (for exemple the executor).
p.183 Vigil-class Corvette
The Vigil also have two ventral twin heavy laser cannon turrets, as seen here .
It also can transport up to 12 TIE/LN, as seen here with the author discussing various loads.
p.187 Praetor II-class Star Battlecruiser (also known as Giel's Ship)
First, the ion canon should not be twined. After all this class of ship was made so the ion canon from the hoth base could have an origin. So it should be a single barrel canon.
On Ansel Hsiao model (fractalsponge1), who created the Vigil for example, the medium turbolaser are quads not twins. Also, every last one of them are in the trench, so they should be port/starboard.
So the armament should be (following Ansel Hsiao's 3D model)
20 Port and 20 Starboard turret mounted quad medium turbolaser batteries (arc forward and port/starboard)
15 Port and 15 Starboard turret mounted battleship ion cannon batteries (arc forward and port/starboard)
4 dorsal turret mounted battleship ion cannon batteries (arc : all)
60 port and 60 starboard turret mounted quad heavy turbolaser batteries (arc forward and port/starboard)
This is what i accounted for on his model, so if you contact him, maybe he as a better head count. Some quad turbolaser turrets seems to be bigger than other but i think they can be approximated with the smaller ones).
Also, on the topic of the Imperial Star Destroyer. I saw that you used the 60 turbolaser, 60 ion canon (actually you reduced it to 30 ion canons). While i understand that using older source is easier, i would point out that the actual star destroyer model have only 2 twin ion canon turret, 6 twin turbolaser turret, 3 dorsal triple turbolaser turret and two trench quad turbolaser turret). I think one compromise would be to have those (with the god arc of fire given their location) to be heavy turbolaser turrets, and the other ones (of the 60 turbolaser figure) to be light turbolaser in the trenches).
So armament could be :
3 Port and 3 Starboard turret mounted twin heavy turbolaser batteries (arc : forward and port/starboard)
1 port and 1 Starboard turret mounted quad heavy turbolaser battery (arc : forward and port/starboard)
3 Dorsal turret mounted triple heavy turbolaser batteries (arc : forward, port and starboard)
31 light turbolaser
1 port and 1 starboard turret mounted twin battleship ion canon (arc forward, port/starboard)
26 light ion canons.
Just my two cents.
Edited by Kal Shadaar