Voidship Bounties

By MagosSteel, in Rogue Trader

Lately I have been considering how the Imperium would place bounties on voidships and how proof that the target had been eliminated could be given to someone who was not at the battle. I've considered the following ideas:

- Gun camera/ auger array data proving that the ship did engage and destroy the targeted ship

- The severed prow of the vessel towed back to port by the victorious ship

- Carrying a representative to the location of the wreck to verify is death

- The severed head of its captain brought back to port alongside auger array data

However I am not quiet convinced that those would be the best ways to handle the situation and am looking to you guys to help me out and share with me how you handle voidship bounties and the like.

There are bounties in my campaign for Void Ships. There's no hard-and-fast rules for my players, but my general logic is like this.

1) The Rogue Trader in question has to have a reasonably good reputation with the group that posted the bounty. If you regularly tech-heresy things up then when the Mechanicus offers to pay you the bounty in orbit over Lathe-Hadd, you probably shouldn't go collect.

2) Assuming you're destroying a vessel, then it has to be completely removed as a threat. Minimal damage of Hulked, and ideally a plasma drive. If you attempt to cripple and then salvage you might be able to claim a bounty, but it would require roleplaying because usually anyone who posts a Bounty on things would really like some blood rather than an enterprising Rogue Trader trying to double-dip into the rewards pool.

3) They're traditionally assigned to Xenos ships because with Chaos or Pirate vessels the captain likes to announce who they are, in which case the bounty goes on their head. Plus with anything that my Explorers can fly they will inevitably try to capture it and fly it themselves, even if it's a Nurgle-tainted cruiser leaking disease into the void. Dangling money is sometimes the only way to get them to even consider hunting a Xenos

For proof of destruction, that's a qualification of the Bounty. Usually if they bring one of the central cogitators of the vessel (which would be recording right up until destruction), or tow the hulk in for the reward that should be enough. Detailed recordings from the Explorer's vessel would probably work with a lot of trust and/or roleplaying. Saying "Trust me" with a rakish grin would probably not do the trick.

As for what I actually put as the reward, it's usually liquid capital, which is like profit factor that has been burned. I give them 15, and then they can spend individual points of it towards a single acquisition to improve their Profit Factor. It doesn't replenish when they're gone since it's meant to be an actual reward that they're spending. For incredibly rare or dangerous bounties there might be Profit Factor involved.

An interesting idea you have overall. I would work it more to a RTs liking to make it more interesting and full of potential fun...

1) ONLY named enemy ( pirate,chaos,xenos raider etc ) type ships would get a bounty on them....( imperials in rare instances or heretical issues etc )

2) The typical bounty for a "Minor" enemy ( gotten into a few skirmishes or raids with the benefactors ( agency that posts the bounty ) agency but not really considered a Major threat yet ) ( IE a solitary light cruiser or raider ship ) would be 1 /10th the PF value of the ship + a contact of varied XP ( namely the client ) + standard salvage rights to the hulk once identification for the bounty was made.

The typical bounty for a "Major" enemy ( ship cruiser size or bigger...OR a wolfpack of smaller raider/destroyer ships ) would be 1 /5th total PF value of all ships destroyed ( all or nothing type deal however to collect ) + a contact of varied XP ( namely the client) + standard salvage rights to the hulk(s) once identification for the bounty was made.

The typical bounty for a " Extreme" enemy ( ship battlecruiser size or bigger OR several ships ranging from raider class up to full cruiser ...IE a small-med battlegroup size ) would be 1/2 total PF value of all ships destroyed ( all or nothing type deal however to collect ) + a contact of varied XP ( namely the client) + standard salvage rights to the hulk(s) once identification for the bounty was made.

These levels of profit potential coupled with the salvage rights to the ships once identified would be more than enough to lure in many would be hunter traders and even cause ( GM only knows ) what types of other hunters to try to collect the bounty that your RTs attempting....and what..i wonder..would they do to secure that reward...perhaps even assaulting the Players ship(s) after theve already vanquished the target(s) and are battle damaged..perfect time to seize the bounty and claim the PCs ship(s) as their own as well for an underhanded hunter....( OHH the plot ideas there...hmmmm

You might well have the 'or alive' element invoked - that the explorers must cripple her, take her as a prize and bring her in as proof.

The temptation to abscond with the hulk will be high, but of course the bounty still stands on the ship if you don't turn it in...which could cause more trouble than it was worth.

Most relevant in terms of a stolen/captured navy ship; the navy would hunt for it themselves but might issue a temporary letter or marque to the explorers to joi the hunt.

"Buying a prize" tended to award a percentage of the adjudged value of the prize, divvied up between captain, officers and crew - and as a temporary navy ship they'd be expected to do it that way. Which means in practical terms (a) a profit boost, the size of which depends on how much damage they've done (encouraging clever thinking to take the prize intact!), and (b) some significant monies issued to the crew - good for a nice morale boost.

A nice idea. If some of the money(PF) involved were distributed to the crew ( along with some shore leave right after payday ) I can easily see a nice boost to morale among the crew. Question is..how much of a boost and for how long hmmm...An idea or two here on that specific could be nice as well.

Perhaps.....the size of the crew population of the ship would denote the necessary amount of PF equivalent needed to gain a...say..10% boost to morale ( until its lost through normal means..ie crew loss in combat, captain sacrifices crew for whatever, etc..etc..). i would say that you cannot gain more than a standing total of more than 30% morale boost at any given time though.

Simple reason for the increase in PF cost for the bigger ships to get same bonus....they have substantially more crew..and giving the crew an equal amount of money each ( commensurate with their rank/station ) WILL add up when your talking about thousands of crew.

A Cobra class destroyer has approx 24,000 crew while a Lunar class cruiser has 95,000 crew.

My math for it is simple...for every 50,000 crew ( or part thereof) the cost is 1PF ( for any who want to figure for a larger ship if you want to allow your RT to gain one )

I'm toying with the idea of crafting a "hunt" Endeavor for my RT players in the near future, though I'd like it to be a capture, not kill type of thing. I'm thinking a particular vessel housed a unique piece of equipment (maybe the contract is provided by the AdMech) which was being tested. The ship was attacked and captured by Pirates, xenos, cultists, separatists, etc...

So, the players are asked to retake the vessel and deliver it back to the employer. The possible twist is whether or not the players discover the equipment that is "really" the target. If they do, would they try to keep it and say they missed the target or would they turn it in like good girls and boys?

What do you all think about that?

Technically, if the 'bounty' didn't mention the equipment by name, or didn't include a clause like 'undisturbed and with all equipment on board', then more fool the Mechanicus.

Unfortunately, if the kit is that easy to find and once found it's that obvious what the Tech-priests were really after...then they probably took out some sort of insurance policy. Of a suitably murderous or explosive nature. Which, for that matter, they may decide to use anyway. It's cheaper than paying, after all....

I rarely use bounties that pay in PF. I prefer to provide bonuses to interation or favors as rewards.

SPOILER WARNING --- Warpstorm Trilogy

My players are all for taking ships without major Chaos taint as intact as possible and then refitting it. Anything they can't refit is towed to their research colony for study and recycling. I recently ran them through a modified version of the Warpstorm Trilogy. They managed to capture a ship that the Ad Mech has been looking for for a long time due to its 'curious and advanced archeotech systems'. It has a speed of 14 and more components than can possibly fit in the hull. They fixed it up somewhat and the Explorator has claimed it as his own in the name of the Ad Mech. He is taking it to Opus Machina forge world for proper refitting and to allow them to study the vessel while it is being cleansed and refitted. I don't plan on giving a bounty unless they hand it over, which isn't happening. I do plan on making it easier to get the work they need done, although taking twice as long. If they do turn it in, then they can expect the Ad Mech to compensate them with something of similar value (a well equiped light cruiser from an explorator fleet I think, although lacking any archeotech) or access to near unique STCs that they are interested in.

Interestingly enough though, they spent a great deal of time and effort to obtain a single Atomic recently. The first session after taking possession of it was right before they left for Citadel of Skulls. In Fallen Suns they made a high speed run at Korad Vall's flagship and teleported it on board. The resulting hulk was turned over to the Imperial Navy. They recieved the Peer (Imperial Navy) talent and managed to finangle getting the Bridge of Antiquity from the hulk after it has been examined and purified (read in a decade or so). I counted the bounty as part of the PF they gained from the endeavor (10, as they stopped the menace from wiping out Footfall). They have also gained a bonus when interacting with Footfall buisnesses for a few years. (But not a Peer talent for it, as it will fade with time).

I rarely use bounties that pay in PF. I prefer to provide bonuses to interation or favors as rewards.

I thought PF also includes favors. These favors would be from no-named NPC's, but they are favors nonetheless.

Interestingly enough though, they spent a great deal of time and effort to obtain a single Atomic recently. The first session after taking possession of it was right before they left for Citadel of Skulls. In Fallen Suns they made a high speed run at Korad Vall's flagship and teleported it on board. The resulting hulk was turned over to the Imperial Navy. They recieved the Peer (Imperial Navy) talent and managed to finangle getting the Bridge of Antiquity from the hulk after it has been examined and purified (read in a decade or so). I counted the bounty as part of the PF they gained from the endeavor (10, as they stopped the menace from wiping out Footfall). They have also gained a bonus when interacting with Footfall buisnesses for a few years. (But not a Peer talent for it, as it will fade with time).

You know I always did this for negative interactions, but I never thought to utilize it for positive ones. I like your style Asher.

I thought PF also includes favors. These favors would be from no-named NPC's, but they are favors nonetheless.

The cash bounties should never be more than 1 PF, often times no PF at all. The real value in chasing down bounties is what you can take from the target - which can be kept or traded in to the bounty issuer for value in kind.

I don't see PF as being a single favor, no matter how big. PF is more permanent than a single favor. Using a favor to get access to a particular rare STC or to get the Navy to approve setting up a fleet base at your colony is a one time thing. PF is one of those things that tends to snowball out of control. Giving out an extra point here and there can end up becoming a real problem as the game goes on. I tend to use major favors instead of PF bonuses. Those favors are more the 'We really don't let that STC off planet, but becuase you saved our research station...' sort of thing instead of a more general 'of course we will give you a discount, friend' type that is represented by PF.

I have my own system for aquisiton and PF. I use coins to represent available PF. The players get a number of coin equal to their PF - Upkeep (1 per ship) after major endeavors. Different purchases can take a single coin (for a weeks ship repairs or purchases at a penalty of -30 to PF) or up to a 25 (for buying ships and major purchases without penalty). They can save them up for major projects (like buying stuff for colonies or refitting ships), or spend them out as they get them. As a rule, they keep a reserve to ensure that they have some on hand for emergencies. When they are out it represents having taxed their finances and leaned too hard on their reputation and favors. I have been known to hand out additional coins as a more temporary reward, representing easy to sell off treasures or favors gained. The major favors are kept track of seperately, although it is rare for them to not use them pretty quickly.

The "coin" thing is fine, but doesn't do much for me. Though I do agree that PF is a lot more than 1 favor, or even 5. The PF doesn't represent assets that buy "favors", it buys services. And depending on the nature of the service, it buys a whole lot. Thing is, I don't need anything to represent a particular favor - it's just something the players need to know or assume they are owed.

As for the spiraling out of the control thing - it can. But then again, handing out a PF is not something to do lightly. There are very few ship bounties that would come anywhere near even a single PF. And finding, getting to and killing that 1 PF bountied vessel should be a dangerous endeavor in and of itself. So much so that if all the players were going for was the 1 PF, they'd be better served using that time to do more lucrative things. Again, a bounty endeavor should be about more than just that 1 PF (if there's any PF at all), it should be about what they could get from that vessel - be it tangibles like gear and components, or intangibles like information and reputation. In all likelihood, save the most sought after and infamous enemies, a voidship bounty will rarely be even a single PF, but will benefit the players in reputation and favors.