So, the airspeeder with the electromagnetic harpoon has Ensnare 5, which would require a hard Athletics check to break out of. How does a vehicle (such as the classic case of the AT-AT) make an Athletics check? Assume it has a 5 or 6 for such a roll?
Ensnaring an AT-AT
Perhaps use the Piloting (Planetary) skill of the driver instead?
Perhaps use the Piloting (Planetary) skill of the driver instead?
That or perhaps you could have the pilot make an athletics check. Something that I noticed too, that I was going to send a question to FFG on. If I hear from them I will put up their reply here for you.
Maybe that's why the at-at's tumble, because they can't make agility checks.
Wouldn't that be part of the initial check?
A success with threat may mean it kept its footing, a single success with no extra's means its actually entrapped and will stumble next round,
A success with advantage means it does stumble this round,
More successes grants boost die to the next fellow who now has a clear shot at the AT-AT's weak spot.
Luke however decided to take one out by himself after it stepped on his snowspeeder and gunner, that AT-AT really should have been looking where it was stepping you never know when a Jedi might pop up with a lightsaber!
I think the skill monkey could explain this better though, why would the AT-AT get a piloting check unless that pilot is a PC?
Here's the idea I like...when making the gunnery check, if you hit and have enough advantage to trigger ensnare, then it is ensnared. Then the AT-AT driver will have to use an action to make a pilot (planetary) check against the speeder driver's pilot check as a difficulty to break free. If he doesn't break free, then the speeder pilot can make another pilot check to try to trigger knockdown, if he can score enough advantage (5 in this case) against the difficulty being the inverse of the AT-AT's pilot planetary check. So on the initial round, it could be ensnared and the following round toppled over with knockdown.
Unless the co-pilot/gunner could do a pilot check to try to knockdown in the same round?
Indeed. Why "one more pass"?. Could it be that it took 3 rounds of shooting? I prefer the pilot checks. Maybe each pass (pilot check) was the equivalent of "gaining the advantage" making it harder for the AT-AT pilot to make his pilot check to become untangled?
Wouldn't that be part of the initial check?
A success with threat may mean it kept its footing, a single success with no extra's means its actually entrapped and will stumble next round,
A success with advantage means it does stumble this round,
More successes grants boost die to the next fellow who now has a clear shot at the AT-AT's weak spot.
Luke however decided to take one out by himself after it stepped on his snowspeeder and gunner, that AT-AT really should have been looking where it was stepping you never know when a Jedi might pop up with a lightsaber!
I think the skill monkey could explain this better though, why would the AT-AT get a piloting check unless that pilot is a PC?
Because an AT-AT can't make an Athletics check...
Edited by Raistlinrox