Newbie Seeks Your Assistance - Stark Deck

By hey_yu, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

I'm relatively new to card games in general and just getting into the AGoT LCG despite the better judgment of my wallet. Big fan of the Starks; put together a preliminary Stark deck and could use some constructive feedback. The attempted premise of the deck was to create a flexible deck that can be offensive and defensive with: extra card draw, potential to claim additional power, balance with low and decent cost characters. I figure I would generally open with the Plot Take Them by Surprise to limit the amount of cards they can bring in after their setup and gives me good income to get a decent setup on the first turn.

Also, I may have a good income flow with Knights of the Hollow Hill and my other locations. Not too sure yet, I’ll have to play test it with a friend once I get everything. Intrigue is another concern I have, my friend runs a Lannister Intrigue deck. Though we’re both learning and getting into the game. So, we may not know what exactly to look out for. Not sure of those Meta decks out there.

Anywho, thanks in advance for the constructive help.

Knights of the Hollow Hill (MotM)

x1 Family, Duty, Honor (LoW)
x1 The Minstrel's Muse (RoTO)
x1 Take Them by Surprise (LoW)
x1 Building Season (Core)
x1 Valar Morghulis (Core)
x1 The Power of Arms (Core)
x1 Respect of the Old Gods (LoW)

Characters (30)
x2 Catelyn Stark (LoW)
x2 The Blackfish (LoW)
x2 Robb Stark (LoW)
x1 Hoster Tully (LoW)
x1 Ser Kyle Condon (APS)
x1 Ser Edmure Tully (LoW)
x1 Brienne of Tarth (PotS)
x1 Ser Rodrik Cassel (Core)
x1 Eddard Stark (Core)

x3 Bolton Refugee (RoW)
x3 Riders of the Red Fork (FtC)
x2 Knight of the Red Fork (LoW)
x2 House Tully Septon (LoW)
x2 Midnight Sentry (BoRF)
x2 Guard at Riverrun (LoW)
x2 Knight of the Tumblestone (Core)
x2 Edmure's Host (LoW)

Event (9)
x1 Battle of Ruby Ford (BoRF)
x1 Make an Example (PoTS)
x2 Endless Endurance (LoW)
x2 Nightmares (LoW)
x2 Paper Shield (QoD)
x1 Winter is Coming (Core)

Attachment (9)
x1 Formal Petition (PoTS)
x2 Court Advisor (PoTS)
x2 Frozen Solid (LoW)
x2 Poisoned Coin (THoBaW)
x2 Rusted Sword (PoTS)

Location (12)
x1 Storm Dancer (AToT)
x1 Riverrun (LoW)
x1 Winterfell (LoW)
x1 Winterfell Castle (LoW)
x2 Godswood (Core/LoW)
x3 Northern Fiefdoms (Core/LoW)
x1 Street of Sisters (Core)
x1 Street of Steel (Core/LoW)
x1 Den of the Wolf (ACoS)

Edited by hey_yu

Just before i look at this and provide some comments.

What do you mean by this ?

"I figure I would generally open with the Plot Take Them by Surprise to limit the amount of cards they can bring in after their setup"

My thought process in regards to this. Since I'm playing the Agenda "Knights of the Hollow Hill," I won't get a setup. I'm assuming my opponent will have a setup unless they're playing the same agena. So, I plan to generally lead off my first plot card "Take Them by Surprise" to make them discard their hand. I should win most of the time with 13 Initiative on the 1st turn unless they have an Event Card or something to stop it. So, they'll only have the two draw cards to potentially play in the first turn Marshalling Phase in addition to their setup. So, this will hopefully give me an equal footing since I missed out on my setup and on the 1st turn Marshalling Phase I'll have 7 gold and 9 cards to help me out with a better start.

wait so the Take Them by Surprise affects everyone?

I thought that the "you" in that plot meant the player of that plot, if they didn't win initiative they had to discard their entire hand and not just anyone who didn't win initiative. Otherwise that seems really powerful for a plotcard.

Yowser. I might've read that plot card wrong. Rookie mistake if I did. If that's the case then I think I'll swap out the card for "Assault on King's Landing" or something. And I may have to open "Family, Duty, Honor" to give me better options.

Edited by hey_yu

Well im no veteran by any means either as my group of friends and I just really started playing this once a week about 3 or 4 months ago and thats the way we took to interpret Take Them by Surprise. As otherwise it would seem to be really unbalanced since I think that plot also has one of the highest initiatives in the game.

You misread Take Them By Surprise.

If you play this card then you have to win initiative otherwise you discard your hand.

"You" on cards always refers to the person playing the card, AFAIK.

Made some adjustments to the deck build. Not sure if they were for the best:

Knights of the Hollow Hill (MotM)

x1 Family, Duty, Honor (LoW)
x1 Loyalty Money Can Buy (QoD)
x1 Building Season (Core)
x2 The Power of Arms (Core)
x1 Respect of the Old Gods (LoW)
x1 Wildfire Assault (Core)

Characters (33)
x2 Catelyn Stark (LoW)
x2 The Blackfish (LoW)
x2 Robb Stark (LoW)
x1 Syrio Forel (TftRK)
x1 Hoster Tully (LoW)
x1 Ser Kyle Condon (APS)
x1 Ser Edmure Tully (LoW)
x1 Eddard Stark (Core)
x1 Ser Rodrik Cassel (Core)
x1 Brienne of Tarth (PotS)
x1 Rickon Stark (MoTA)
x1 Arya Stark (CoS)

x3 Bolton Refugee (RoW)
x2 Riders of the Red Fork (FtC)
x2 Knight of the Red Fork (LoW)
x2 Guard at Riverrun (LoW)
x2 House Tully Septon (LoW)
x2 Midnight Sentry (BoRF)
x1 Follower of the Many-Faced God (CD)
x2 Knight of the Tumblestone (Core)
x2 Edmure's Host (LoW)

Event (9)
x1 Battle of Ruby Ford (BoRF)
x2 Make an Example (PoTS)
x2 Endless Endurance (LoW)
x2 Nightmares (LoW)
x2 Paper Shield (QoD)

Attachment (10)
x1 Crown of Winter (LoW)
x2 Court Advisor (PoTS)
x2 Frozen Solid (LoW)
x2 Poisoned Coin (THoBaW)
x1 Rusted Sword (PoTS)
x2 Castle Battlements (VD)

Location (11)
x1 Harrenhal (ODG)
x1 Storm Dancer (AToT)
x1 Winterfell (LoW)
x1 Winterfell Castle (LoW)
x3 Godswood (Core/LoW)
x2 Northern Fiefdoms (Core/LoW)
x1 Street of Sisters (Core)
x1 Street of Steel (Core/LoW)

Edited by hey_yu