This may have been raised before, but here goes
I am interested in the BG game and I am a fan of the way the traitor mechanic works in Shadows over Camalot.
One of the parts that I like the best about the SoC traitor system is that there is always a chance that there is no traitor and the players could spend half the game looking for a traitor only to find out that there wasn't one.
Does anyone think that this kind of thing could be worked into BG?
The way I'm proposing to do it would be to simply make the deck as described in the rules, and then add two more 'You are not a Cylon' cards. After the second set of loyalty cards are dealt out there will be two spare cards left over. These are put into the box without looking at them so no-one knows how many cylons there will be.
By potentially reducing the number of cylons, this coulds make it too easy for the human players so, like SoC, there may have to be some penatly for not uncovering the cylons. For example, at the end of the game, for each un-revealed cylon (not in the brig), the lowest resource is lowered by one/two, in a final act of sabotage. That way a narrow victory could be turned into a sudden defeat if there was still one or more cylons hiding.
This works great with SoC, but BG is a very different game, so it may not work at all. Has anyone tried anything like this, or are there any experienced players who might be able to predict what kind of effect this is likely to have (good or bad)?