Hi folks!
Beta 7 is now online!
Changes include:
Beta 7
- Added new Hyperborea Event card: Walls of Ice.
- Added new Hyperborea Instant card: Command Weather.
- Added new Hyperborea Character card: Kyllikki the White Witch.
- Added new Hyperborea Elite Unit card: Frost Giants.
- Added new Hyperborea Elite Unit card: White Hand Assassins.
Beta 6
- Rephrased text in section 6.2 (Alliances that pay off).
- Added new Aquilonia Character card: Publius.
- Added new Aquilonia Character card: Kalanthes.
- Added new Aquilonia Elite Unit card: Nemedian Adventurers.
- Added new Aquilonia Instant card: The Phoenix on the Sword.
- Added new Hyperborea Event card: Greater Summoning.
- Added new Stygia Character card: Akivasha.
- Added new Stygia Elite Unit card: Kushite Spearmen.
- Added new Stygia Instant card: Scrolls of Skelos.
- Added new Turan Character card: Necromancer Eremius.
- Added new Turan Elite Unit card: Prophets of Erlik.
- Added new Turan Character card: Wazir.
- Added new Turan Event card: Fate Weavers of Shahpur.
- Added new Instant kingdom cards counting as adventure tokens:
* Aquilonia: Wealth of the Noble Families + Concubines of the King
* Hyperborea: Pact with Dark Powers + Sapphires of Alghamar
* Stygia: Slave Women + Children of Set
* Turan: Gold Mines of Khorosun + Turanian Harem
- Added optional rule for intrigue contests: Subterfuge (section 6.3).
- Added optional rule for mercenaries: Shifting Alliances (section 5.4).
- Added section 5.5 about kingdom cards and mercenaries.
- Adjusted requirements and cost for "Zenobia" mercenary.
- Added new Mercenary Card: "Nabonidus the Red Priest".
- Added PDF files with all new cards.
Beta 5
- Added new optional rule for Alliances (section 6.2).
Beta 4
- Added new optional rule about making multiple actions each turn (section 4.2).
- Changed the text about Sea Moves slightly. Instead of having to end up in a friendly coastal province it is now possible to end up in a neutral or enemy province as well. Otherwise, the new island provinces would be unreachable.
- Adjusted sorcery cost for "Book of Thoth" card.
- Adjusted sorcery cost for "Hypnotic Suggestion" card.
- Added clarification text to objective rewards "Border Wars", "Hyborian Empire" and "Taming the Wildlands" that if there is no space in any province indicated on the card, the extra army unit should be placed in the home province.
Beta 3
- Clarified the setup of Mercenary Cards.
- Slightly rephrased the "Trade Routes" Objective Reward card.
- Renamed "Nemedian Mercenaries" to "Nemedian Adventurers" to better correspond with the Conan RPG book "Free Companies".
- Added new Mercenary Card: "Khitan Engineers".
- Added new Mercenary Card: "Asshuri".
- Added new Hyperborea Instant Card: "Ritual Sacrifices".
- Added new Provinces for Seafaring rules: Baracha Isles, Isle of the Black Ones, Southern Isles, Isles of Pearl and Xapur the Fortified.
- Renamed "Yah-Chieng" to "Li-Hun" after I realized that Yah-Chieng is the God Emperor of Khitai, which would not've been that balanced
Beta 2
- Combined all expansion documents into one large document.
Beta 1
- Initial release.