Woot my trades

By Yoko Charming Fox, in UFS Trading

Hi, my rules are the person with the lower refs sends first, I will trade over seas, but only if we simal send, and I will check lists. I tryed to keep the list type 3 but some stuff may have sliped through. If you wish to make an offer leave a comment on the forum ane either make your offer here or leave an e-mail so I can reach you. I didn't list charaters or many comons and uncomons so ask me if and I will see if I have them.





Freezing Execution X3

Solar Flare Dance X 2

Sickle of Sin

Wicked Chew X4

125 Rapids of Rage X4

Reverse Flayer X7

Ice Coffin X3

Lunar Slash X4

Heel Snipe X5


A Year's Difference X2

Demuth's Sponsorship X3

Luna's Encouragementds


Giradod's Leadership

Clean Freak X3

Chester's Backing X 4

Charismatic X4


Rejection X4

Yoga Adept X3

Clean Rematch X4

Through the Defences X4

No I in Team

Please Help Me

Arm's Length

Final Confrontation X4

Dark Heart X2


Seal of Strcture X4

Lollipop X5

Seal of Cessation X7

Government Sponsrship

Sacred Temple X4

Mysterious Stance X3

Egyptian Temple X5

Secret Project X8


I can't think of all my wants right now so like I said earlyer I will check lists. Highest wants are bolded.

Ira-Spinta X3

Lord of the Maki X 4

Feline Spike X4

Blood Runs True X4

Shooting Capoera X2

Keep Your Cool X2

The Ways of Punishment X1

My e-mail is [email protected]

hmm... would you perhaps do my <2x Ira-Spinta> for your <4x Heel Snipe> ? Also willing to make some kind of addition(s) off my list so long as it isn't prime trade bait or anything. Let me know ^_^

email: cetonis(at)hotmail.com

sorry did not mean to put up this reply................



Interested in your Olcadon's Mentoring x3, on your want list I have 2 Chester's Backing, Program Malfunction and Keep Your Cool x2. If there is anything else on my list ( new.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp ) you might want let me know.

Maybe we can work something out?




you suck................................