Typically when a business becomes busier, they:
1. Open a new location
2. Expand their current location
They don't queue people at the door before letting them browse their wares.
Was I the only one offended by this? I know FFG will give their tag line about safety, people rioting last year, etc. but all I know is that I spent $300 on FFG games at GenCon 2012 and $0 on FFG games at GenCon 2013 cause I refuse to wait in line to just browse items I may purchase.
I mean waiting in line to purchase is commonplace, but making people wait in line to browse items is bad business practice. Next time if you are busy, step up and buy a bigger space or hire more check out people. I suppose most conventioners didn't object given your lines, however I just wanted to provide a voice for at least one consumer who found this objectionable.