I am currently writing an adventure that will directly follow up Debts to Pay from the Game Master's kit.
I will share the adventure as soon as it's ready, but I was wondering from other GM who ran the game, did the 2 main droids survive the adventure or not?
In our case, they destroyed the Astromech, while it was trying to get to the ship, the EV droid managed to steal an airspeeder from the PC's ship, then rescue it's little companion and fly away with the stationned ship.
The backstory of my adventure goes as follow:
The EV droid has been able to repair the R2 unit, though badly damaged. They have found an abandonned droid factory on an asteroid in another system, restarted the factory and are trying to build their own army.
I have 75% of the adventure storyline done, the actual writting, about 50%, maybe a bit less. I took some inspiration from an adventure written for d20 : Abandonned Asteroid Jinathik.