What supplements would we like to see?

By Gurkhal, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Ok, I couldn't hold myself back. What kind of supplements would people like to see with the Second Edition of Dark Heresy?

I'll go first.

Arsenal of the Emperor - lots of weapons and additional gear like the IH

Alien Hunter - more info and stuff for Ordo Xenos with xenos generators

Witch Hunter - more info and stuff for Ordo Hereticus with a cult generator

Daemon Hunter - more info and stuff for the Ordo Malleus with a daemon generator

Cults and Conspiracies - kind of like the Disciples of the Dark Gods but for the new sector

"Class books" with also expands on the part that the various character choices and the fluff around them, like the Blood of Martyrs for the Adepta Sororitas and the Cleric and the Book of Judgment for the Arbites

Sector background book

That's all there is in the top of my head.

What would you like to see?

Well, I'd like the obvious like new gear, new enemies, etc. But in terms of specific concept, I'd love to see another Radical's Handbook type book. Full of lots of fun stuff to tempt your players with.

I agree with most of Gurkhal 's suggestions- with the caveat that the 'equipment book' needs to resist the lure of Power Creep. New weapons shouldn't be allowed render iconic 40K wargear obsolete...

An Ordo Xenos sourcebook would be especially appreciated. That's the Ordo I plan on using next campaign, and, in DH1 , they have by far the least support material of the three main Ordos.

I'd also love to see a nice, thick 'monster manual'. This is one area where I feel WH40KRP is lacking compared to other RPGs; if every 'monster book' from the various WH40KRP lines were compiled and the redundancies eliminated, I doubt it would contain even half the number of creatures in a standard D&D Monster Manual . I realize that it's problematic trying to generate a lot of critters to populate a sci-fi setting, since each inhabited planet should have mostly unique native species/ecosystem which would not be found anywhere else. Not sure how to work around that problem- maybe pick a couple planets to serve as the setting's 'New York and Los Angeles', i.e. the places where a disproportionate amount of the action takes place, and detail the heck out of those planets, then include a small 'sampling' of beasties from a dozen or so other worlds...?

Inquisitor's Handbook 2.0

One overriding reason: what sets DH apart from other %-based systems is that stats are slightly lower. As a consequence, and that's why I loved DH 1.0, you are forced as player to get positive modifiers to increase your chances. You need to work the game. Inquisitor's Handbook introduced a number of circumstantial modifiers, etc. which made that possible.

If I was asked what one trademark of the DH 1 system was, I'd say it was the above. After IH the game took off for me.


Hmmm. Well a lot was covered in the opening post. I think rather than a 'monster manual', I would actually like to see the core groups if enemies in their appropriate book. It would just be neat and tidy to have Ordo Xenos: special rules and aliens, Ordo Malleus: special rules and daemons. They can make the books slightly thicker and a little bit more expensive as far as I'm concerned if they need to. I'd just like to be able to pick up a big reference book that contained everything needed for running a particular branch of the Inquisition.

But if there is a monsters book, I want to see some DH2 rules for Space Marines and Rogue Traders. I like to mix things up.

I'd also like to say give me 'real' Sisters of Battle. I know people will want to play them so they have to be balanced, but make the PC versions start as low-level novices etc. as was done before. Fluff and relative power levels are important to me so don't throw those out.

I want to see a book in how you make your own talents and elite advances. That would be fun to me as a GM.

What kind of supplements would people like to see with the Second Edition of Dark Heresy?

Arsenal of the Emperor - lots of weapons and additional gear like the IH

Alien Hunter - more info and stuff for Ordo Xenos with xenos generators

Witch Hunter - more info and stuff for Ordo Hereticus with a cult generator

Daemon Hunter - more info and stuff for the Ordo Malleus with a daemon generator

Cults and Conspiracies - kind of like the Disciples of the Dark Gods but for the new sector

"Class books" with also expands on the part that the various character choices and the fluff around them, like the Blood of Martyrs for the Adepta Sororitas and the Cleric and the Book of Judgment for the Arbites

Sector background book

That's all there is in the top of my head.

What would you like to see?

I'm trying to consider this from a newcomer's perspective. As a bunch of "old hats" we know more fluff than is reasonably sane, but the newcomer? Not so much.

In order...

Askellon Sector Background: Perhaps release the sub-sector region where the sector capital resides, the sector hub so to speak. Include 20-25 planets, with planetary datafaxes (classification of government- ie oligarchy; popluation; tithe grade; Adepta presence; etc) then approximately two to two and a half pages of planetary fluff- culture, a few quirky customs, technology level, current intrigues and politicking- that sort of stuff. Pick two to three world-specific flora/fauna or indigenous culture for each world, include stat blocks and write-ups. Give new GMs and players something they can use to really bring the worlds of the new sector to life. Perhaps release one book for each sub-sector, and intersperse these amongst other releases? Preface the first book with an introduction to Hive cities (something akin to the various introductions printed in Necromunda about Hive Primus) with accompanying artwork examples of architecture. Preface the next book in the sub-sector series with an introduction to hab slums and the Underhive and what it is like to live outside the hive or as an invisible citizen with more artwork examples, the next with merchant and manufactory life, the next with lesser nobles of the middle spire, the last with the ruling noble houses and government seat of the high spire. Include a poster-sized fold-out map of Askellon Sector in the first supplement in the sub-sector series.

Ordo-specific: Start with the Ordo Xenos. On the whole, I think it's safe to conclude Ordo Xenos received the least amount of love in DH1e, and its time has finally come. Include sector-specific Ordo structure, background, philosophies, intrigues and politicking. Include a dozen of the most sinister, capricious, loathsome xenos known to inhabit or otherwise infiltrate the Askellon sector. Then move to Hereticus or Malleus (have an essay contest, the topic being "Hereticus or Malleus Next?" and the winner's essay decides which Ordo we see next and the author's name is included in the credits. Each release could include Ordo-specific weapons and gear. Each of these books observes the various Ordos from the viewpoint of the "puritan" philosophies. Intersperse these supplements through the regular release schedule.

Cults and Conspiracies: Give us exactly the same kind of attention here that Black Industries gave to Disciples of the Dark Gods- overt and covert cults and heresies (xenos worshipers, fanatical iconoclasts, etc), infiltrators, more intrigues and politicking. Use this book to observe the various Ordos from the viewpoint of the "radical" philosophies. As a result, we are introduced to weapons and gear used by the radical factions of the various Ordos.

Xenos Compendiums Part I and Part II: Give us the xenos that might be just like we humans...were it not for their blue skin or pointy ears...in Part I- these aliens are a greater threat because their agendas are understandable if only they could be fathomed (and knowing is half the battle). Give us the capricious murderers and thuggish brutes in Part II- the occasional fight for the sake of fighting is great, and fighting aliens is also exciting, but what kind of long-term agenda is an Ork likely to have if he's not a Kommando?

EDIT- Nah. Put Daemons and Eldar in one, Ork and Tau in another. The idea being to give us thuggish brutes and enigmatic rivals for supremacy in equal shares.

"Career" Expansions: Stealth and Deception- a supplement for assassins, footpads, cat burglers, con artists, confidence men/women, demagogues, etc; Skill at Arms- a supplement for mercenaries, bodyguards, bounty hunters, ex/current military (both fighting men/women and officers), etc; Knowledge is Power- scholars, professors, wise and learned men/women, tacticae, adepts, traditional barbers (aka back-alley chirurgeons), chroniclers, genealogists, etc; Paths to Power- a supplement for the practitioners of Warp-fueled powers, be they prognosticators, auto-seance mediums, latent/nascent psykers, etc. Include "career"-specific gear and equipment. These books should focus on PCs and the tools of their trades, but keep weapons and armour at a minimum- I mean really, how many more guns and bombs do we need?

Adventures: Let's face it, every adventure supplement released for DH, RT, DW, BC and OW have obviously been started with good intentions, but most times fall flat in most regards. Complex underground mines with five areas' worth of descriptions, and that including the hold-outs of major rivals/opponents/allies? And not even a tactical map for encounter areas?

I say if you're going to produce adventures for DH2e, commit to doing a superlative supplement or series. In my opinion, even 1st Ed Advanced D&D adventure supplements (ie Against the Giants) provided more background and detail than The Haarlock Legacy, The Warpstorm Trilogy, or The Rising Tempest. Personally speaking, I would pay $50 for a hard-bound adventure supplement that included handout graphics, detailed maps, area descriptions and background in addition to amazing cover and interior art. I'm not asking for "railroads", but I am asking for far more than a passing glance at details in favor of limited page count.

Sorry to ramble, but I thought reasons and examples might help.

Edited by Brother Orpheo

Honestly, the only pre-written Dark Heresy adventures I've enjoyed running are the ones Black Industries wrote. FFG is great at fluff, but their adventures leave a little to be desired, I find a lot of them get way too preoccupied with excessive purple prose and convoluted plotlines. I dropped the Haarlock Trilogy halfway through because I wasn't enjoying running it, and my players definitely weren't enjoying playing it,

Would like to see the following additions:

1.) A general compendium of some sort (like Inquisitors handbook)

2.) -4.) A book dedicated to each of the 3 main Ordos, including their enemies, more radical facetts and more puritan facetts

5.) A sector book

6.) A book dedicated to the Adeptas (Administratum, Arbites, Mechanicus, AAT), maybe also including a little information about the Officio Assassinorum

Furthermore, I would like 3-adventure-books like previously in RT/OW/DW; I think the best they did was with Dark Eldar in RT --> mixing new game stuff with a small campaign !

As been mentioned a Radical's Handbook would be nice, and so would also a Puritan's Handbook. Both detailing factions and giving additional goodies for the things that the Radicals and the Puritans might want to use.

Might be interesting to see cell directives return in a more well thought out fashion. Maybe something similar to how regiments work in Only War, but without as much sway over things.

Edited by Tom Cruise

... I think rather than a 'monster manual', I would actually like to see the core groups if enemies in their appropriate book. It would just be neat and tidy to have Ordo Xenos: special rules and aliens, Ordo Malleus: special rules and daemons. They can make the books slightly thicker and a little bit more expensive as far as I'm concerned if they need to. I'd just like to be able to pick up a big reference book that contained everything needed for running a particular branch of the Inquisition...

That's a really interesting idea. The only downside, from my point of view, is that Ordo Xenos would almost certainly be the last book released in the series, due to the Warp Storm of Doom (=Chaos) forming the central premise of the new setting...

... I think rather than a 'monster manual', I would actually like to see the core groups if enemies in their appropriate book. It would just be neat and tidy to have Ordo Xenos: special rules and aliens, Ordo Malleus: special rules and daemons. They can make the books slightly thicker and a little bit more expensive as far as I'm concerned if they need to. I'd just like to be able to pick up a big reference book that contained everything needed for running a particular branch of the Inquisition...

That's a really interesting idea. The only downside, from my point of view, is that Ordo Xenos would almost certainly be the last book released in the series, due to the Warp Storm of Doom (=Chaos) forming the central premise of the new setting...

Huh. You know I actually haven't read any of the new fluff yet - I've been focused on rules. I should probably make a start on that.

And something I would really have loved is a good solid campaign focused on the Ordo Xenos and the Enemy Without.