So, I am wondering if anyone can assist me on choosing a good ship hull for a ship in my story. I know that the Passage of Judgment is going to be a decent, can stand alone ship, and I need it to have fighter bays. It'll have some access to Archeotech.
The fleet of the Korvallus Dynasty already has in its possession the Hammerfall (Dictator-class Cruiser; currently posted near the RT's gubernatorial space station), the Silver Raven (Conquest-class Star Galleon; original ship of the ancient Warrant, currently "absent"), and several other ships in service, as Korvallus is a very respected and successful Rogue Trader. As I didn't want to double up on ship types, I didn't just decide on another Dictator, but I am needing another class to fill the bill. Any good ideas? I have most of the RT books, so anything out there I SHOULD be able to look up. Thanks.
I am also open to, if not maybe awesomely impressed by the idea of a Hold Landing Bay, to avoid yet another Cruiser. Escort Bays might be cool, for LCs.