I have three players and each of them maxed out their obligation to get and additional 15xp. This brings the group obligation threshold to 90. On pg 308 in the GM section, it talks about how this affects their access to reputable and disreputable deals.
At 90 they are unable to buy licensed and military equipment from legitimate sources. Too infamous for legitimate deals. They may however locate black market and informants with ease. The PCs are well known to some underworld groups.
The 3 players obligations are:
Obligation: Bounty
He's an old Trade Federation trading droid that was decommissioned and scrapped when the Trade Federation fell 19 BBY. As a trade droid, his memory banks were filled with lucrative hyperspace routes that were kept secret by the Trade Federation. Some other agency has learnt of A4-A's existence and is now hunting him for the starmaps. Problem is A4-A deleted that data years ago.
ARKULL (Given name)
Arkanian Bounty Hunter Gadgeteer
Obligation: Duty Bound
Arkull has been a slave all his life. At 4 his owners were assassinated by a Trandoshan Bounty Hunter named Trask. Trask chose not to kill the Arkanian boy and at first used him as his own slave, he later saw the potential to increase his profits by training him to be a bounty hunter and collecting on his young apprentice's bounties.
Wookiee Technician Outlaw Tech
Obligation: Debt
The wookiee escaped during the Battle of Kashyyyk, but landed in even more trouble. He was about to be executed by a Hutt when a mysterious figure paid an exorbitant fee for his life. The Hutt accepted the large fee, and released the wookiee into his custody. The "man" said very little, and has yet to call upon the wookiee to repay any of the debt.
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As the first session starts (which we play next week WOOHOO!) the PCs are out-of-luck, out-of-money, no starship and have just arrived on Socorro to take part in a highstakes Sabacc tournament. It's literally their last chance to make some credits and try get themselves a ship. It's a "humble origins" beginning.
What I've been trying to get my head around is how the group obligation threshold makes these three renegades, who have admittedly been "working" together for a little over a year, have a recognisable reputation among both spectrums of society.
To try and explain it to my players I have said the following to them:
At the Arkanian:
* The droid player has decided his knowledge skills (he has 4) all come from the "brains" of various droid he hangs on thongs around his neck. He needs to "plug" in the brain into an open port to access the memories. Sometimes a little personality leakage occurs while he is plugged in.
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The players will be surrounded by smugglers and criminals at the Sabacc game, but I don't want everyone in the gambling den to recognise them... yet with a 90 obligation threshold, they're supposed to be "known" even though they haven't yet done anything "infamous" yet.
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How would you interpret the situation?
Edited by torquemadaza