RTL Quest Items

By Darkspell, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A question has come up that I couldn't find a clear ruling on in the rules. The specific situation is with the 3 scrolls and Sun Stone. When the Overlord buys the scroll it is placed on one of the Dungeons listed on the cards. The heroes must complete the dungeon to claim the scroll and a Lieutenant must land on the Dungeon to claim it. So the following questions arise:

- Can the Lieutenant take the scroll to the Overlord Keep and leave it there?
My interpretation is no, as the rules imply the Quest items are supposed to be jockeyed for by both the Lieutenants and the Heroes. But the Plot cards contradict this as it is required to have the 3 Scrolls and the Sun Stone at the keep to play the final plot card (this would require a minimum of 4 Lieutenants. This is further supported by the option to have the Sun Stone brought to the Ruby Gate Dungeon giving an Overlord an option if he/she has lost Lieutenants making it impossible to bring all 4 items to the Keep.

- If the heroes fail to complete a Dungeon with one of the scrolls, does the dungeon reopen after each attempt?
Based on the plots description on each of the scroll cards it appears the Dungeon will reopen allowing the Heroes unlimited attempts on the same Dungeon. If this is true be forwarned all Overlords, move those Scrolls as far from Tamalir as possible or the Heroes can keep hopping in to get quick rewards.

Yes. Lieutenants must carry the items to the keep. The heroes need to intercept them on the way.

Practically speaking, heroes will never need to collect the items from a dungeon as there is no real reason (that I can see) for an Overlord to play the items until he has a Lieutenant in that location. Houserule it as you see fit, but this quest is hard enough as it is and will become nigh impossible if the heroes get their hands on even one item and can store it at Forge or a city on the opposite side of Tamalir to the Overlord's Keep.

Technically the quest isn't as hard as it appears, as the Sun Stone may be played even if the Overlord doesn't have all the Scrolls, if I recall correctly they just have to be on the board (not 100% sure though, I don't have the card handy to check). The real goal is to get the Sun Stone and if the Overlord doesn't have all the scrolls his only option is to move the Sun Stone to the Plains of the Ruby Gate location.