Some dumb question

By AlexxW, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Hi, ive been a little confused with new Spray quality. In first edition Flame weapons was a little cheated out. They does not requared nor BS, not specialisation, just becouse you actualy hit everything at least target sucseed on ag test. Now i see, that flamers requer an attak roll. So the question is, if this attack roll is failed it considered as total miss, or it considered as a hit not caused damage, but giving Flame quality to work thru, or it still considered as hit, cousing damage, but counting 0 DoS for wound calculation if needed?

Edited by AlexxW

Flame requires a "hit" to trigger, "When a target is hit."

Spray merely makes an attack, with DoS equal to the result of the shooter's single attack roll, against all targets in a 30 degree arc from the shooter, with range equal to that of the weapon.

If the attack doesn't hit (either because the attacker missed, or the defender dodged with enough DoSs), then there was no hit, and Flame doesn't trigger.

Flame requires a "hit" to trigger, "When a target is hit."

Spray merely makes an attack, with DoS equal to the result of the shooter's single attack roll, against all targets in a 30 degree arc from the shooter, with range equal to that of the weapon.

If the attack doesn't hit (either because the attacker missed, or the defender dodged with enough DoSs), then there was no hit, and Flame doesn't trigger.

The wording of Spray is still not very clear on this. I would have interpreted it as you do, logically. But I can see how some GM coming from DH 1.0 would interpret it differently.
