Shadows of a Black Sun adjustments

By Kager, in Game Masters

I could be running this adventure tomorrow night, what changes/additions, if any, have you made to this module?


I ran it a few weeks ago and it was mostly solid. BBEG at the end needs some extra muscle otherwise the party wipe the floor with him.

I'm going to be running this module soon for my players and I think I may take the suggestion noted in the document for the BBEG. It suggests, depending on your party, to beef him up or water him down. Alternatively, you could keep track of his wounds, but don't make him drop when his wounds exceed his threshold, but simply wait until some triumphs are rolled or a whole load of advantage. While it may take some control away from your players in a metagame sense, it could potentially make for a very climactic end to the fight.

That idea interests me, and I'm going back and forth in my head on whether I should give it a shot.

It's definitely something to consider.

For that fight, I want advantages and threats to play a huge part. I want the BBEG to be flying all over the factory, causing mayham and havok on the PCs. That factorty is really well fleshed out for a reason. It's there to be used.