Confused about a Travel card

By Cursain, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Good morning,

I was reading some of the various travel cards and I ran into one that's confusing.

1st, my understanding of travel cards is that you use them before a quest starts, from the city to the quest location. Then, when returning from the quest you don't have to draw any.

2nd, my understanding is that you don't use travel cards between part 1 and part 2 quests.

There is a Travel card that says: The heroes choose 1 hero to suffer 2life. Another hero of their choice recovers all life and discardsall of his Condition cards.

How could this ever be applicable? When starting from the city, heroes are full life and do not suffer from conditions.


As the heroes, you really want to get this card as the last travel card. Say you have four travel cards. The first one might inflect 2 hearts. Another you encounter zombies and one party member became ill. Another causes burn. If the last one is the card you read, that means that hurting hero can then get healed before the first encounter. Trust me, I have seen heroes that wished that got that card because they where hurting so bad from traveling.

I appreciate the response Kunzite.