if I place Dark Memories on a 1 damage capacity unit, does it die as soon as it focuses to strike, or does the strike resolve?
Same question for Spice Visions (can a 1 damage capacity unit strike twice with Spice Visions)?
if I place Dark Memories on a 1 damage capacity unit, does it die as soon as it focuses to strike, or does the strike resolve?
Same question for Spice Visions (can a 1 damage capacity unit strike twice with Spice Visions)?
the units die before they strike, i believe this one was answered by nate, and is up on the cardgameDB rules clarifications.
the units die before they strike, i believe this one was answered by nate, and is up on the cardgameDB rules clarifications.
I thought so too, but can't find it anywhere.
I don't know that there's been an "official" response, but the reason is pretty easy. Striking is broken down into several steps and placing a focus token comes before resolving combat icons. Since Dark Memories responds to placing a focus token, it goes off before you get to resolving combat icons.
What if you attach Ben's Spirit after Dark Memories is put on? Focus token, damage, spirit regenerates, then you can attack?
Old Ben's Spirit would keep the unit alive and able to finish their strike.
1. Focus to strike
2. React with Dark Memories
3. Unit would be destroyed, but Old Ben's Spirit Interrupts to discard itself and the damage
4. Continue to resolving combat icons normally