BrashFink's Bennie Deck...

By BrashFink, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Here is a "Bennie Deck" to be used in the "Savage Worlds RPG" tradition when your players do something outstanding... but use it however you see fit.


Two Card Backs: The Falcon & Slave Leia (your choice)

54 Cards: They follow standard playing cards (plus jokers). The cards also have their respective playing card symbols, allowing them to be used as normal playing cards, or other creative uses.

2 Sizes: 300 & 150 dpi for printing or online use

9 Card Types: Boost, Setback, Upgrade, Downgrade, Move, Damage, Soak, Strain & Special - Each type is a different color.

Symbols: Each color type has a symbol (shield, triumph, disadvantage, etc). This just meant to represent the card type, but you could use them in other creative ways... draw and use the symbol, etc.

Different Rarity: Each card type has 3 common, 2 uncommon, 1 Rare - also each Ace is a Special card.




Edited by BrashFink

nice, will these be available on artscow?

No. The legal ramifications of such an idea... nope.

However, These will available for download and you can do what you want with them... as long as you do not put them up for sale anywhere either.

Okay, I finished reviewing them last night. I am certain they will still have mistakes, depending on gravity of mistakes I may update the set again later.

All that is left is for me to fix the 10 or so cards, process them and create the zip. I should have this all done tomorrow.

How did you intend these to be distributed and used by your players?

It is a Bennie Deck (Bennie = Benefit)... it is a concept from Savage Worlds. They are used as rewards for great gameplay.

However, the concept has transcended the Savage Worlds System and a lot of GM's have used it in various systems. I had one for WEG d6... and used a system in my Pathfinder campaign a few years back.

The deck can be used however the GM wants. Recently I have been handing each player one at the start of each session also (but they do not continue between adventures, kind of a use it or loose it).

Edited by BrashFink

You don't find that such a system double stacks with Destiny Points to give too much benefit to the players?

You don't find that such a system double stacks with Destiny Points to give too much benefit to the players?

It is something me and my players have used in one form or another in numerous campaigns for 15+ years. Like all RPG addon tools (decks, tokens, etc) peoples' use and implementation will vary from group to group. I was creating these for my campaign, so I thought I would share them.

In my experience, I try to give my players as many tools as possible for story telling. If they have a card that says "Upgrade 1 dice" and it gives them inspiration to come up with an idea, even though destiny does the same thing, I am down with it.

On top of that, each Ace, King and Queen are single cards, each does something pretty major... for example the "Vader" one listed in the sample is one of the crazy ones, but that is the only card that does that. It really depends on the kind of gameplay you want.

I suppose I should point out... these cards on meant to be given to ANYONE in the party. Meaning when someone is getting ready to make a paramount roll... someone could go.. "Here, use this card!"

Here is an example of the cards. Most of them follow a similar pattern.

Add 1 Boost Die - 3 Cards
Add 2 Boost Dice - 2 Cards

Add 3 Boost Dice - 1 Card


Add 1 to Damage - 3
Add 2 to Damage - 2
Add 3 to Damage - 1

One that is pretty different is the Strain Cards... they are Remove 2 Strain (3 Cards), Remove 4 (2 Cards) and Remove 6 (1 Card)

In addition, here are the 4 Aces:

2 Force Points: allows a force user to automatically turn 1 force die into 2 points w/o rolling
Use 1 Destiny: allows to use destiny w/o flipping a token
Add Critical Hit: Add a critical to an attack
Add 30 to Critical: boost up your roll

Edited by BrashFink

Deck is done and ZIP link has been posted.

This doesn't sound like Bennies from Savage Worlds. This sounds like the Adventure Deck.

Effects of Bennies:

Spend a Benny to reroll any trait check (skill/characteristic roll)

Spend a Benny to allow one to try and soak a damage roll

Spend a Benny to alter a scene

Bennies in Deadlands had a slightly different effect. The main ones, white, worked as above. The red and blue were used to affect a current roll or downgraded to a white. The consequences of using a red were that the GM got to draw a Benny.

Adventure Cards from the Adventure Deck:

These cards have varying abilities and the player can spend one per game session (they draw a fresh hand at the beginning of each session). Effects such as Double the damage of one roll. Recover all your power points. Help shows up at a needed moment. Etc...

This doesn't sound like Bennies from Savage Worlds. This sounds like the Adventure Deck.

Bennies... Adventure Deck... rewards... hamsalad on rye... call it whatever you want.

I have never actually played Savage Worlds. Read one of the books a bit, saw the ideas of these rewards and implemented my own. My old d6 one actually borrowed a lot of the encounter stuff from the Adventure Deck too

This looks neat Brash- as an option I found, you could use this site to print pretty sweet quality ones

Yeah that is the site I was planning on using to make mine. Again... do what you want with them, I just do not want to see someone trying to attach a price to them and permanently have them for sale somewhere etc. that will probably make FFG and Lucas drop the hammer.

I really want to make an NPC deck on it- one day lol

Hmm... that is a great idea too.

I really want to make an NPC deck on it- one day lol

Hmm... that is a great idea too.

What program did you use to make these? Any chance you could post a template you used, I'd like to make an NPC deck too. Thanks

I didn't use a template. It is just Photoshop... and all of the graphics are from the downloadable FFG PDFs

I love this tool. The cards are done very well also. Thanks BrashFink!

Bennie Deck Link has been updated in the first post

Edited by BrashFink