I'm pretty new to the system and I've recently started a character in Black Crusade. Myself and a few others in the group are very into making elaborate plots which prove to be the downfall of planets. Seeding ruin through deception and planning just feels so much more rewarding than storming in with a legion of Bloodthirsters.
For the first time in the system I'm making a character centered around ultra stealth. I'm using the character to seed evidence/frame/blackmail/etc.
I've invested in the synskin/Camoleoline combo, gotten access to unnatural agility/stealth, as well as a few stummers to boot. I feel like I have the gear and built the character to succeed.
Am I missing anything? I've gotten a few comments from my GM about psykers having the ability to see people's souls, with other psykers/daemons/dark eldar standing out in particular. I've read up on a power in Dark Heresy called Sense Presence which seems to accomplish this to some degree. Is there any way to combat this in the system? Any pacts that seem feasible? Any ritual to hide my soul completely, or in the very least replace it's appearance with something at least incongruent with my body like a fly or small insect?
Edited by WetPigeon