Armies attacking emissaries

By FS1976, in Age of Conan

Hey, people.

I just wanted to make sure that if player A has an emissary in a neutral or friendly region, and this region is attacked by an army from player B, then nothing happens to the emissary. Is that correct?

The army of player B just starts either a campaign (neutral province) or a siege (player A friendly region) - but the emissary just stays put, right?


I also posted another question today in an already existing thread here. Could need some feedback on that too:




As far as I can tell from the rules:

If you have an Emissary in a Province, where another player moves his army, he cannot get rid of the Emissary. He must start a military conquest to try and subjugate the province, but the Emissary stays put.

Ok, that's what I figured. Thanks.

No problem :)

It's even strategically interesting to maybe leave an Emissary in a province that's about to be attacked. If the other player does conquer said province, you can use an Ingrigue action to have your Emissary make off with some gold!