Game Concept

By Mike, in Tannhauser

I've never played it, but it does look intriguing. The mechanism with Floor plans and chip tokens remind me of Behind - if anybody else ever played that. Is Tannhäuser similar? What exactly is the game's winning point?

The line of sight is simple, the combat deadly, the play time is pretty quick once you get used to the rules and the background and game world are awesome!!!


I bought it mainly to convert it to a roleplaying game, does anybody have an idea wht system to use?

True 20/M&M
Dark Heresy (with some serious adeptions)

Where can I find more fluff?

Tannhäuser has got 4 characteristics: Fight, Phys, Mind, and Speed, so you should use a system (maybe homemade) that relies primarily on those 4 values, with sub-values like specializations, e.g. Fight:Light Weapons. That only means you need to define various skills related to the primary characteristics. Now ou'd have to drop the whole Hit Points <-> Characteristic maluses I guess, or give players much more HPs.

If you dont like homemade systems, and want to keep the current structure of rules, you could quite easily use the Feng Shui* system, or a variant thereof. Feng Shui has got 4 main characteristics: Body, Chi, Mind and Reflexes. I'd suggest linking Reflexes and Fight, Body and Phys, Chi and Mind, and Mind and Speed, making the translation from system to system relatively easy.

Now I went a bit fast by assuming you'd want to play something tannhäuserish like I would, namely with stunts and explosions. The system choice really depends on how you want the action to feel. Dark/Realistic? Maybe go for nWod. Even though the potential serious aspect of TH makes me smirk.

'Yo, I've got retroengineered alien weapons, and I fight nazi demons! And leather-clad nazi girls with whips! Srsly.'


*: Feng shui is described on wikipedia: )

Thank you,

I think NWOD would be the best for the type of Horror game I imagined, just use simple WO I/II weapon and Second Sight for the mystical aspects.

Though except in the main box, are there any more fluff sources?

There are bits of stuff approximatively everywhere, problem is that i'm not sure they're compiled anywhere. You can find a timeline somewhere in that very forum. I guess TOY*'s CCG will add more fluff too, but buying everything is kinda expensive, not mentioning the wait time for all stuff to get translated in english.

Anyway, there are lots of shadowy spots, so be ready to invent quite a bit.


*: Take On You, the french group that made tannhauser originally. They're planning to sell a related CCG, based on more classic war situation (rather than commando-ish situations in TH)

Bleh, limited time edit function? what the f?

Anyway, if you are looking for horror style, you might want to check the Call of Cthulhu. Chaosium system is not particularly interesting, but the gumshoe* version is awesome for horror (and pulp). It is an almost diceless system, though, which might not be your style if you like a dicefest game like TH.

