So I was recently looking at the cards and I just realized a combo that I feel so stupid for not seeing.
Pod 50 has some rather amazing cards you can use to set up some deadly combos if you use it with pod 21.
Lets say you have the balance of the force and you play Prophit of the darkside. You use his reaction to look at the top card, if its an event card, draw it, if its Anzati Elite leave it. then play Vaders Tie advance, strike with it and use his reaction to throw 2 tactics out! -all of this can be played with minimal resources!-
my favorite LS combo is just so fun to set up and takes down the devastator barely breaking a sweat. have an all hoth objective board, play with pods 43 and 38, and 39 (but thats optional)
First card you want to get off is the most amazing hoth card which is Echo Base (resource, objective health, and +1 hoth objectives. Second card is either Echo Defender,though wilderness fighter would be best, he now has 4 black blasters and 2 edge blasts, then you if you play Hoth Survival gear, he gains 4 more health, making him a 6 health monster who is going to kill anything you have unless you can tactics him! -like the above, you can use all 3 cards with only 4 resources!-
anyone else have combos they like, that may or may not be so obvious?