Well I just got an unopposed Darth Vader's Tie Advance off and flipped the Executor for its ability. Then Tallon Rolled to another Objective.
favorite card combos
Decoy at Dantooine + Diplomatic Presence (have yet to figure out a good deck that can pull this off though)
I would try combining it with Secret of Yavin 4 and some Jedi / Rebel heroes.
So try this deck out if you like Decoy and Diplomatic Presence:
2x Fleeing the Empire
2x Defense of Yavin 4
2x Hoth Operations
1x Blue Squadron Support
1x Decoy on Dantooine
1x Alderaan's Promise
1x Preparation for Evacuation
Luke Skywalker + trust your feelings + Jedi lightsaber + soresu. This makes luke a tank who can battle twice during each players turn and survive unless focused down. If you use target of opportunity in the edge fight and win unopposed you can take an objective with just luke Skywalker
I'm not that great at combos, but powering up Yoda with Soresu Training is fun.
Deploy the fleet and death squardon command. It's really fun to blow up your own objective to give you three more resources. More props if you use defense upgrade on DTF for more resource potential.
If you have the balance of the force:
Two Holding All the Cards + It Binds All Things = Both players drawing a TON of cards.
I'd say it's risky, since your opponent can draw awesome stuff too, but the thing has a Gamble trait, so I'm guessing that's a given.
A nice one is Battlefield engineers + trust your feelings.
i.e you can attack 3 times with luke, and have it ready to defend next turn if not previously commited.
my favorite LS combo is just so fun to set up and takes down the devastator barely breaking a sweat. have an all hoth objective board, play with pods 43 and 38, and 39 (but thats optional)
First card you want to get off is the most amazing hoth card which is Echo Base (resource, objective health, and +1 hoth objectives. Second card is either Echo Defender,though wilderness fighter would be best, he now has 4 black blasters and 2 edge blasts, then you if you play Hoth Survival gear, he gains 4 more health, making him a 6 health monster who is going to kill anything you have unless you can tactics him! -like the above, you can use all 3 cards with only 4 resources!-
Totally agree with you on this one ! Love it and intend to play at regionals ;
My favorite LS opening combo goes back to last year's regional season: Prep for Battle with turn 1 Luke + Our Most Desperate Hour. Luke is invincible on the attack, readies at the start of the DS turn, and remains invincible on defense too.
I recently discovered some love for Rahm's guidance and Attack Pattern Delta. Setting up 2-3 free ships is awesome! (Your turn, your opponents turn, your refresh, etc).