I swear I've seen it somewhere

By Spatulaodoom, in Rogue Trader

I swear I've seen it somewhere that Storm Trooper armor can be sealed up and used like a void suit to get by in a vacuum. Now though I can't actually find that in the books. Can anyone help me out with what book or even page # it's in, or am I just going crazy?

It's probably either in the Core book or Into the Storm since those are the only ones I've given a thorough read through.and have access to currently.

Pretty sure you're looking for something you won't find, sorry.

Power Armor can be sealed, but storm trooper armor (or more precisely carapace armor can't.

Except ofcourse from the pressure carapace found in Hostile Aquisitions, p. 62

A Kasrkin Armor in DH: Ascension can be environmentally sealed.

Oddly I was under the same impression, but going through the books I also can't find an actual reference for that.

Black Crusade has an Armour Upgrade that allows any Mesh/Carapace/Power armour that covers all regions to become void-shielded. There's also some armour in Dark Heresy (such as Boarding Armour) that will do that.

"Pressure Carapace" from Hostile Acquisitions, pg. 62

Pressure Carapace
Designed for the rigours of ship-to-ship combat, a pressure carapace is armour first and a voidsuit second. Constructed from lightweight ceramite plating over a thin, multilayered, sealed undersuit, pressure carapace is not really designed to protect from the hazards of the void long-term, instead serving more as an incidental safeguard against accidental exposure. Adeptus Arbites boarding parties, such as those serving as part of the Calixis Sector’s Precinct Astra, tend to employ suits of pressure carapace during their raids upon illegal shipping, though they are far from the only organisation to use this type of armour.

Given their intended use, suits of pressure carapace are somewhat resistant to the normal tears and punctures that are a hazard in vacuum combat. Against any attack that would normally cause a suit puncture, roll 1d10—on a 6+, the suit’s construction holds up and no puncture is caused.

Higher-quality versions of the armour contain an exotic fluid layer that swiftly welds shut any breaches in the suit. A Good or Best craftsmanship suit of pressure carapace cannot suffer from breaches or punctures.

There is also the Vac-Sealed armor upgrade in Black Crusade if your GM is feeling nice/reasonable.

Page 17 in Edge of the Abyss, it mentions that you need to have some kind of environmental gear and lists Survival Suit, Sealed and Heated Carapace, Power armour or a void suit.

So it eludes to that sort of thing existing.

Aside from the listed options, Vac-Sealed (Or Vac-Sealable , rather) Stromtrooper armours does exist in the universe, not just as upgrades for regular Stormtrooper armour, but as basic functions (such as the Kasrkin carapaces mentioned by Morangias; the Kasrkin essentially being in-house Stormtroopers of the regiments of Cadia).

So there should be no difficulty working something out with your GM, if none of the specifically available options appeal to you for some reason.

As an aside... I have always found it incredibly odd that Space Marine Scout Carapace doesnt even have the option of being environmentally sealed. :/ at least fluff wise.

As an aside... I have always found it incredibly odd that Space Marine Scout Carapace doesnt even have the option of being environmentally sealed. :/ at least fluff wise.

I refer you to Sergeant Cloten, of the Bloodquest series.

"Hah! Can't call yourself a space marine until you've had your first taste of hard vacuum..."

Fortunately, I hasten to add, he was not a sergeant in the Tenth. This might have caused serious problems for the Blood Angel's recruitment rate.

hahaha Fair call. I was just thinking about that line while reading the Space Hulk book for DW with all of the depressurized sections and such.

Sgt. Cloten; making it even harder to become a Blood Angel than both living on Baal and The Red Thirst combined.