Combo of Vlad von Carstein and Summons of chaos

By gertat, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building


I wonder if you think that many players that play undead (with the new Hidden Kingdom expansion) are going to play the winning combo of Vlad von Carstein and Summons of chaos.

Sure it takes great timing but so do many other combinations and it consist of only 2 cards.

When you have Vlad in play and Summons on your hand.

You choose to play Summons an pick all you have left in your deck.

If you play al your cards in hand you win.

Edited by gertat

Nope, it's 3 card combo: Vlad on the table, you play Summons and repsond with Reap What's Sown. First you discard whole your hand, then you discard whole your deck.

Thanks for the answer