Question about "Triggering Conditions"

By Dreepa, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi, got a bit confused here, and want to know how its meant to be played by the RAW.


As far as I know each triggering condition can only trigger one effect for playing OL card. For example: "Play when activating a monster"-Trigger can only be used for one card. No double movement speed AND double attack for your monsters.

Now what about "Play at the start of your turn"? There are power cards AND spawn cards that both use this triggering condition. This would mean, that you can either play a power card OR a spawn card.

Am I missing something?


I've always played it that you could. I don't think there is anything in the RAW that forbids you from doing it. I know the RAW won't let you play more than one spawn or more than one Power card per turn.

Spawn cards are played during Step 2 of the OLs turn, and Power cards have to be played anytime before you activate the monsters but other than that I didn't see anything that said it was an either/or situation.

One could take the FAQ ruling that multiple effects that happens at the start of the player's turn can be resolved in any order and apply it here, but I'm not sure if its really the same thing since its effects versus cards.

Dreepa said:

Hi, got a bit confused here, and want to know how its meant to be played by the RAW.


As far as I know each triggering condition can only trigger one effect for playing OL card. For example: "Play when activating a monster"-Trigger can only be used for one card. No double movement speed AND double attack for your monsters.

Now what about "Play at the start of your turn"? There are power cards AND spawn cards that both use this triggering condition. This would mean, that you can either play a power card OR a spawn card.

Am I missing something?

Yes you are.

It is not actually "only one card can be played per trigger", it's a series of 'only ones' (mostly on page 11 and 12), that basically combine to mean 'only one (of each type - event, spawn, trap power) card can be played per trigger'.

DJitD pg11-12
Important: Only one event card may be played per triggering condition. ...
Important: Only one trap card may be played per triggering condition. ...
Important: Only one spawn card may be played per triggering condition. ...
Important: Only one power card may be played per triggering condition. ...

The power and spawn ones actually say "per turn," not "per triggering condition," but otherwise Corbon is correct.

Antistone said:

The power and spawn ones actually say "per turn," not "per triggering condition," but otherwise Corbon is correct.

err, yes. My bad. Sorry. Even the copy/paste function is this forum is annoying, with the extra pop up window, so after copying the first piece of rules text, then the second, I just repeated the second three times within the same pop-up window and changed the card type as appropriate. Funny how any sort of shortcut always catches you out sonrojado.gif .

What you just said would make gust of wind very crappy (I know some of you consider it crappy) but I found it to be quite awsome with the right spawns.

StarBurn said:

What you just said would make gust of wind very crappy (I know some of you consider it crappy) but I found it to be quite awsome with the right spawns.

Umm... How so?

I believe his point is that Gust of Wind can be used to limit heroes' LOS, thus opening up new locations for spawning monsters; however, if the overlord were limited to one "start of turn" card (rather than one per type), you couldn't play Gust of Wind and spawn cards in the same turn, which would make this rather less useful (though I think Gust of Wind actually lasts through the end of your next turn, so it still wouldn't be totally useless).

Antistone said:

I believe his point is that Gust of Wind can be used to limit heroes' LOS, thus opening up new locations for spawning monsters; however, if the overlord were limited to one "start of turn" card (rather than one per type), you couldn't play Gust of Wind and spawn cards in the same turn, which would make this rather less useful (though I think Gust of Wind actually lasts through the end of your next turn, so it still wouldn't be totally useless).

Umm, ok. But only if he is responding to the OP, whose error has already been found.

The correct RAW, as already covered in the thread, allow Gust of Wind to be played in the same turn as a spawn. So I figured he meant something else, just not sure what...

<scratches head> do people really respond to a thread without reading it at all ?

Corbon said:

<scratches head> do people really respond to a thread without reading it at all ?

I like bunnies.

Heh, I just realized this actually was in FAQ v1.4 (emphasis mine)

Q: When does the overlord play power cards? The Well of Darkness rules summary on page 28 and the core rulebook seem to disagree.

A: The rules summary in the Well of Darkness rulebook is in error; refer to the main rule book instead. The overlord may play a power card at the beginning of his turn. Remember that when a player has multiple effects that occur at the beginning of his turn (such as spawning and playing a power card, for example), he may resolve them in any order. Thus, an overlord may draw cards, discard down to his maximum hand size, and then play a power card, spawn card, and/or any other cards that are played “at the beginning of turn” in any order. He must resolve all these effects before proceeding with activating monsters.

Big Remy said:

Corbon said:

<scratches head> do people really respond to a thread without reading it at all ?

I like bunnies.

Tommorow is Thursday!...wait, its already tommorow <_<

Sorry Carbon...I was refering to the OP, pressed reply instead of quote.


P.S: I do read them...belive it if you might...but I read almost all topics here...even though I get tierd of some and give up *cough* Ironskin *cough* sorcery *cough*

Per the Descent Rules of Play (basic set), page 12:

Only one spawn card may be played per turn, only during step 2.

Only one Power card may be played per turn, prior to step 3.

As far as I can tell, the OL may then play one of each, at the appropriate time, per turn.