Will there be an AoR beginner game?

By Ineti, in General Discussion

I have to believe so, since AoR and EotE are different games... Thoughts?

God I hope so, most people who have heard or played star wars identify usually with the classic era, its only since KOTOR and Dark Horse Legacy era comics that attention was paid to the other era's so having this released as a beginner game would be a great incentive!

With good planning it could be enhanced with the Star Rebels animation so the ship map released with this could easily be based on the Ghost mentioned at E3 and wouldn't hurt to have some background since Star Wars d6 literally started with just this era for players to work from.

Also might be worth including stats for an Imperial Customs Frigate and maybe a Victory Star Destroyer maybe?

Well I wouldn't have thought they were going to do a AoR Beta book and they did. So I would say that a AoR Beginner game is highly probable.

I hope so. If it follows the pattern set by the Edge Beginner Game, that's a set of dice, a basic adventure and a full color poster map for $30. I'd buy that even though I hope that by the time it comes out I'll have a pretty decent handle on the mechanics of the game.

I would believe that they would being that they do aim this as a stand alone as well as well as a companion to Edge of the Empire. Now my question would be that if they do will it be able to tie into the Edge of the Empire Beginner set.

You know they could easily have that map be of both a rebel outpost as well as an Imperial outpost/base on the other side, after all edge has that freighter map it feels more appropriate to have a map of a base since this is about the Rebellion and wouldn't that be a useful addition?

Double sided map with a Rebel base to defend on one side and an Imperial outpost to attack on the over would rock! That and more tokens would get me to buy the beginner box. The extra set of dice wouldn't hurt either.

I'm totally for a beginner box, really enjoyed the last one and I could always use more dice.

This would be an insta-buy for me. Doubtful I'd even play it, but I just love beginner boxes and all the gack. My only request would be that they put it in an actual box , and not the flimsy foldy-card that we got with the EotEBG. It would be nice to keep my EotEBG stuff in there, as well.

I hope so.

God I hope not... OWW MY POCKET BOOK!

Actually... Hmmm more dice... poster... okay sold.

What other products can we expect?

Core RuleBook + Suppliments are a given of course.

Age of Rebellion Dice? We already know that it uses the same Dice system so will they bother with this at all?

GM Screen also seems to be a given, considering that the WH40K RPGs also got their own GM screens.

So it looks like by the time we get through FaD that we will have 3 core rulebooks, 3 beginner games, 3 gm screens, at least 3 adventure supplements and (if the number of careers stays the same) 18 career supplements!!!

What other products can we expect?

Core RuleBook + Suppliments are a given of course.

Age of Rebellion Dice? We already know that it uses the same Dice system so will they bother with this at all?

GM Screen also seems to be a given, considering that the WH40K RPGs also got their own GM screens.

As far as the dice go, remember that not everyone jumped on board when Edge of the Empire came out, since it didn't cover Rebel campaigns or include Force-users. So odds are, we'll see the dice packs, but just with an Age of Rebellion logo and eventually one with a Force & Destiny logo. If you've already got enough dice for your table, then you can just skip buying them.

At this point, I'm not sure I would by an AoR Beginner Box, as I've got two dice sets and those are generally plenty, with the dice roller app as a back-up. The only thing at this point the AoR Beginner Box might have are pre-gen characters, but those are of limited use for me, and I've already got a number of "intro to the Alliance" adventures on tap either from WEG sourcebooks or stuff that I've written myself.

Funny enough I've been wondering about converting stuff over from earlier editions, noticed a fairly decent map of a Corellian Corvette in the Rebel Alliance sourcebook for d6.

Any likelihood Fantasy Flight might release their own version albeit a bit more up to date thanks to how much stuff has been released or revealed since that earlier version was first released?

Now I'm wondering what else might be expected in a new beginner box set!

I'm half expecting a beginner box to include an adventure that involves stealing plans for a certain something something..

I'm half expecting a beginner box to include an adventure that involves stealing plans for a certain something something..

Those poor Bothans.

I would have to say "Definitely" on this.

They'll need counters, maps, etc. for those that don't own EotE.

I'm half expecting a beginner box to include an adventure that involves stealing plans for a certain something something..

Those poor Bothans.

Of course this could be a mission funded by a Bothan using the PCs so that they can claim afterwards they were instrumental in obtaining the plans when everybody else took the risk! :angry:

In my first d6 star wars game we retrieved the plans during our escape off a Victory class star destroyer never got the credit and still wasn't believed even during the events of the Battle of Yavin later on in that campaign! :(

Still we wasn't on Darth Vader's most wanted list until the gm decided to let Luke fall to the dark side....

I'm not sure he understands just how scr**ed that leaves us since he's always ignoring the Jedi PC and focuses on my padawan who'd rather not be a Jedi at all! :P

Hard to say whether or not I would pick up another Beginner Box a year into my campaign, but I'm all for them making one. It's a nice tutorial with useful accessories. Folks that didn't get in on Edge but are starting with Age would love it.

Incidentally, didn't the EOTE beginner box come out just before Christmas? I wonder with the early October deadline for beta feedback...maybe we'll see an AoR beginner box this holiday season.

If the box comes with more character and adversary tokens I would buy two.

Oops, double post.

Edited by Ineti

I'm not sure about another BG release. If you take the purpose of the BG as being "to familiarize players with the rules step by step as they play" -which is basically that the EotE BG was, is it necessary? "Would it sell enough to justify it" is more to the point, I guess. Maybe a token pack, an adventure that covers any additional rules in AoR, and some more pre-gens. Then you would in theory have to buy the old BG to play, though.

...Hmm. Free web downloads of the adventure and pre-gens?

...And of course I'd buy it anyway. Who am I kidding!

Edited by Zychon

I'd like one too. In addition to all the other reasons already mentioned, they make great self-contained games to run at a con. I'm already planning to run the EotE beginner game at next year's Marcon, and I'd love to add one for AoR to the list as well.

So odds are, we'll see the dice packs, but just with an Age of Rebellion logo and eventually one with a Force & Destiny logo. If you've already got enough dice for your table, then you can just skip buying them.

I hope not. The reason why is force dice. It's not an issue in EotE, but depending on how AoR expands the Force--and certainly by F&D--we're going to need more force dice. If they keep the composition of the dice packs unchanged, people either aren't going to have enough, or else they'll have to buy several packs and have way more of everything else than they need.

I'd like one too. In addition to all the other reasons already mentioned, they make great self-contained games to run at a con. I'm already planning to run the EotE beginner game at next year's Marcon, and I'd love to add one for AoR to the list as well.

So odds are, we'll see the dice packs, but just with an Age of Rebellion logo and eventually one with a Force & Destiny logo. If you've already got enough dice for your table, then you can just skip buying them.

I hope not. The reason why is force dice. It's not an issue in EotE, but depending on how AoR expands the Force--and certainly by F&D--we're going to need more force dice. If they keep the composition of the dice packs unchanged, people either aren't going to have enough, or else they'll have to buy several packs and have way more of everything else than they need.

On the first point: You sold me on the con thing.

On the second: I wound up getting 4 sets of EotE dice just to have a good bit of challenge dice and force dice handy. A good side effect of this is now It's easier for players to share Difficulty, Ability, and Proficiency dice without having to constantly pass dice. If they made a "supplemental" set which was two force and two challenge dice for around 4 bucks, that'd be great.