Running away from minions appears to be an almost flawless strategy for winning an encounter and there doesn't seem to be an effective way to run a chase scene. These are two separate issues that arise from the same mechanical conditions.
PCs are allowed to make Move Maneuvers twice and also take an action for the cost of 2 Strain.
Minions receive wounds instead of spending Strain. Minions don't have Strain so whenever a minion would loose Strain that minion instead takes wound damage.
These conditions imply that if a PC Move Maneuvers twice per turn in an effort to flee from minions say the Storm Troopers from Encounter 5.
a) Then they're either out beyond extreme range in a few rounds
b) The Storm Troopers kill themselves trying to keep up or,
c) The PCs always escape from minions.
Am I missing something? Using this minion kiting strategy seems to make minions irrelevant, except as a Strain sink. Is there a chase mechanic I missed?
Alternatively, If the PCs decide to forgo their action they can make two Move Maneuvers without a Strain cost which makes it possible to kite minions indefinitely.
A GM could arbitrarily add waiting minions to the combat in all directions or start every encounter with the PCs surrounded but those aren't acceptable permanent solutions to this issue. Also this doesn't address the no chase mechanic problem. I'd like to be able to run a chase sequence without my minions dropping dead from exhaustion after a few rounds.
If I missed a chase mechanic please let me know what book and page it's on. Otherwise I'd really like to find a good work around that prevents minion kiting from being an OP uber strategy.
Thanks for your help.