As a new GM I have a hard time grasping nuances that diverge from the rules. As a member of the "pistol and helmet club" in Car wars (According to the rules, you had to shoot yourself in the head twice, the first time while wearing a helmet, to kill yourself) i have had some issues with coup de grace actions. and trying to fudge rules
Case 1: A player tries to coerce an NPC by placing NPCs blaster to his chest as a show of intimidation. Coerce roll fails, NPC fires, NPC misses the shot, ( Y GG PP for dice pool)
My explanation was he missed because he WAS intimidated and was shaking
Case 2: One surviving minon decides to surrender. PC tries to knock him out with the butt of his slugthrower, Melee attack fails, twice.
My explination was the PC was not trained in combat very well and wasn't strong enough to actually do it.
Case 3: PC charges into a small room with a vibroaxe, target is behind a desk sitting in chair. PC misses.
the desk is cut in half, and the NPC target surrenders after seeing his desk do what could have happened to him
any ideas for coup de grace actions?