Could everyone please say which races they like the most, then I will create a bar graph (including expansion races such as skaven).
My Vote: Dark Elves
Could everyone please say which races they like the most, then I will create a bar graph (including expansion races such as skaven).
My Vote: Dark Elves
My vote: Orcs (I have only them
, also skaven, but I will make a deck when Hidden Kingdoms comes out).
Orcs: |
Dark Elves: |
so now we have
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 1 (was surprised with Kaines choice =))
Chaos - 1
DE - 1
My Vote : Empire
Why? Please take a look at the ranking of the tournament, maybe it was a long time ago but not much has changed in the Empire
In addition confirms that victory in the Empire regional tournament in Bydgoszcz of the year.
(It also convinced me to play this race
Empire - 2
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 1
Chaos - 1
DE - 1
Each has one vote.
EDIT : Topic goes more in forum Off Topic
My Vote : Empire
Why? Please take a look at the ranking of the tournament, maybe it was a long time ago but not much has changed in the Empire
In addition confirms that victory in the Empire regional tournament in Bydgoszcz of the year.
(It also convinced me to play this race
Two years ago verena decks were the best. Nobody could beat them, so everyone played them. Imho it is still strong but you can beat it now and it is balanced. Infact, i think empire decks that are not centered around verena, are the stronger ones
In Bydgoszcz #1 was a Karl Franz Deck, which is rarely seen. In the final it beat a DE end times, but someone told me that the DE deck should have won it really and it was a little lucky for the empire. But who knows for sure?
My choice is: Dark Elves, because they have plenty options of building strong decks atm and can control in so many ways even against empire. Also they seem to have the best End Times deck possible.
In Bydgoszcz #1 was a Karl Franz Deck, which is rarely seen. In the final it beat a DE end times, but someone told me that the DE deck should have won it really and it was a little lucky for the empire. But who knows for sure?
You're right. I played a similar and I could not win at Rush not to mention the End Times ...
so now we have
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 1 (was surprised with Kaines choice =))
Chaos - 1
DE - 1
My best deck is currently dwarves. I'm hoping to prove their worth at GenCon!
Edited by Kaine821st, Dwarves
2nd, HE
3rd, Orcs
4th, DE
5th, Chaos
6th, Empire
I like the defensive stragigies of the dwarves, the hit-em-quick ability of orcs, and the cool tactics and indirect combos of the HE. Just what/how I favor my style of play factored into the rankings. I really like Empire, think they're cool, but the just don't have the power I seem to need to win a lot of the times.
Empire - 3
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 3
Chaos - 1
DE - 2
I vote Wood Elves. Not because they are particularly amazing, but mostly because I like the ambush+development manipulation strategy they have going so far. I am hopping Hidden Kingdoms adds a whole lot to their viability.
Lizardmen and Empire combo.... I have yet to play against an opponent yet, but there you have it.
Empire - 4
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 3
Chaos - 1
DE - 2
Wood Elves - 1
Lizardmen: 1
I guess these are the final results. Its obvious that Dwarves and Empire are the favourites...
Wood Elves. #1.
Empire - 4
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 3
Chaos - 1
DE - 2
Wood Elves - 2
Lizardmen: 1
I "fallen love" with the "human race", but that one rarely works for me. The most variance is in the Chaos (you can create combinations with very nice synergy). The most reliable is the HE (you can have always card in hand what you can use). The fastest is the Orc (cheap units with cheap extras). The toughest is the Dwarves deck (toughness and damage cancellations almost unlimited). And finally the biggest fun and the most comprehensive game is the DE for me. I do not use the neutral races as separate race. I mixed them usually into the main races' decks. But might be I will try them later as stand alone deck.
DE, HE, Orcs, Empire, Chaos, Dwarves
Empire - 4
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 3
Chaos - 1
DE - 3
Wood Elves - 2
Lizardmen: 1
Wow guys 1000+ views WTF?
Final results of 2015:
Empire - 4
Orcs - 2
Dwarves - 3
Chaos - 1
DE - 3
Wood Elves - 2
Lizardmen - 1
Thanks for all the feedback guys (;
Now we know what the most popular race is!