How Many Cards Can Be Played At The Start Of Combat

By mad-halfling, in Fury Of Dracula

Sorry if this is covered somewhere and I've missed it, but I can't find it in the FAQ or forums and the rules aren't 100% clear.

At the start of combat, starting with Dracula, and proceeding around the table each player "can play one card each", but the rules then continue to say "This continues until all the players have played all the cards they want/can". Does this mean that each player can play only one card, or that the play option continues round, returning to Dracula, and then everyone has another option to play more cards?

I'm assuming it's the latter, and if so:-

- once a player has "passed", can they stil elect to play more cards when it is their "turn" again

- what determines the end of the card playing section - when everyone has passed in a row or when that happens and no-one still wants to play a card (I'm just thinking of the situation where Dracula might not want to play a card until he knows that all the hunters aren't wanting to, off the bat, play one - of course that may prompt more card playing, but that's an aside)?



Edited by mad-halfling

I play this way: you can play cards whenever the conditions to play that card are met. So, you can play multiple cards at the beginning of combat. I don't see a thematically good reason for Dracula not to fight at his best, nor to have your Vampire (Hunter) not playing a card that could counter a card just played.