My Campaign: Arkanis Sector Deputies

By osu4fan, in Game Masters

The group:

Ssoh, a Trandoashn Hired Gun Mercenary, Dutybound to uphold law and order. Motivated by an uncommon sense of capitalism and the rights of merchants and business, specifically within the laws of the galaxy.

Thuku Vinto, a Rodian Bounty Hunter Assassin, Criminal past that has led to a need to make right not only their own wrong but the bad deeds of others. Motivated to be an expert Bounty Hunter who won't make the same mistake twice. (During the first bounty this character ever attempted to recover he mistakenly took the twin brother of the subject and never acquired the intended target. The twin had political ties and had Thuku convicted of a variety of crimes, some of which completely unrelated to the situation.)

Codename: Justice, a Human Technician Slicer/Politico, Owes a big favor to a former friend who helped her escape a life of forced marriage. Motivated to help her brothers and sisters avoid the same fate she avoided.

Wrrlarra aka Harry: A Wookiee Hired Gun Marauder/Bodyguard, Wanted by Tazda the Hutt on Nal Hutta after escaping slavery. Wrrlarra was used primarly as a bloodsport participant by Tazda and one day was able to escape after a brutal fight that nearly cost him his life. Wrrlarra is still unsure of who is responsible for his freedom but he strives to find out who he owes his life debt too.

The Setup:

The group has been deputized by an aging Sector Ranger, Jodan Burrell, who is unwilling to give up his post despite his advanced age. Jodan has dedicated his entire life to keeping the law throughout the Arkanis Sector and is fiercely loyal to the Empire except in regards to human supremacy (otherwise deputizing a Roadian and a Trandoshan would be odd yeah?) and believes that recent rebel uprisings in the outer rim are a direct result of his own inaction. His plan with his new deputies is that the PCs will be able to handle the day to day tasks of apprehending fugitives and known criminals while he will be able to focus his own personal efforts on squashing rebel activity before it gets out of control.

In addition to criminal apprehension other jobs for the deputies will include witness relocation and convict extradition/transport. Given the region these tasks aren't often necessary but on occassion a high profile case can require such activities.

To help them in their duties Jodan has loaned the deputies an old Firespray System Patrol Craft. The vessel isn't in great working condition but it should be sufficient for their needs.


Spice and the Hutts: The scene opens with the PCs chasing a Space Master Medium Transport in the space above Tattoine. The occupants of the ship are smugglers for an up and coming Hutt named Jorrbada who is trying to make a new claim to Anchorhead trading in spice to make a name for himself. After defeating/apprehending the smugglers the PCs learn of the location of several top men in Jorrbadas crew in the town of Anchorhead.

Borin Shaw is the Jorrbadas #1 and does most of the face to face dealings for the Hutt, taking out Borin would be a huge blow to the Hutts operation and give the citizens of Anchorhead much needed relief.

Killer on the Loose: Mos Shuuta has seen it's fair share of crime but never has it seen such a killing spree. A lone killer stalks the streets preying on the cantina dancers and slave girls of Teemo the Hutt, killing them and leaving their bodies in the alleys and dead ends throughout town. The deputies must find this madman before he strikes again and deliver him dead or alive to Jodan.

Arkanis Witsec: On Piroket, after witnessing the murder of several imperials by a gang of Bothan youths, a young Bothan woman is to be relocated to Arkanis for her own safety. Of course getting her off planet isn't that easy as it was a Hutt lord who had the imps slain, apparently an effort to get them to leave the planet, and know he wants the witness dead. Ground combat and a space chase are both likely, making it to Arkanis with witness in tow will be a tough job.


After several jobs of getting 'bad' guys and locking them up/taking them out and helping out regular people the PCs will be confronted with a rebel operative who's only crime is speaking out against the Empire. They will have to make the choice of doing their job and arresting an 'innocent' or choosing another course of action that may just put them on the wanted board.

Thuku finds out that his first ever bounty was actually a set up. His original target, Brath Blacksuit, used his twin to escape and the retaliation was just a happy side effect. Now Brath appears as a target for the deputies. Now a key member of the Black Sun Syndicate, Brath is even less willing to be taken in and uses his new resources to turn the fight on the deputies.

More to come and hopefully I can update journal style once we start the campaign. Opinion, questions and additional thoughts/ideas are welcome.

Edited by osu4fan

Sounds like fun.

My campaign has a subset of characters called the Taldiran Border Defense magistrates. One of the PCs aspired to join (and eventually moved into a leadership role). I "acquired" ideas for the magistrates themselves and some of their plotlines from everything from TOMBSTONE and THE QUICK AND THE DEAD to the old Jango Fett video game.

Sounds like fun.

My campaign has a subset of characters called the Taldiran Border Defense magistrates. One of the PCs aspired to join (and eventually moved into a leadership role). I "acquired" ideas for the magistrates themselves and some of their plotlines from everything from TOMBSTONE and THE QUICK AND THE DEAD to the old Jango Fett video game.

Thanks. Because of the previous references I read your last influence as Django Fett.

Sounds like fun.

My campaign has a subset of characters called the Taldiran Border Defense magistrates. One of the PCs aspired to join (and eventually moved into a leadership role). I "acquired" ideas for the magistrates themselves and some of their plotlines from everything from TOMBSTONE and THE QUICK AND THE DEAD to the old Jango Fett video game.

Thanks. Because of the previous references I read your last influence as Django Fett.

You know, given Lucas' love of old movies, I cant imagine that the name similarities are a coincidence. That HAS to be a sly tip of the hat to Franco Nero. . . .

minor update. I'm going to play and GM something I have avoided in previous RPG systems but I think it is pretty managable in this system and specifically with Wookiees and Droids where you can scape by without having to pretend you don't know what is going on.

Wrrlarra aka Harry: A Wookiee Hired Gun Marauder/Bodyguard, Wanted by Tazda the Hutt on Nal Hutta after escaping slavery. Wrrlarra was used primarly as a bloodsport participant by Tazda and one day was able to escape after a brutal fight that nearly cost him his life. Wrrlarra is still unsure of who is responsible for his freedom but he strives to find out who he owes his life debt too.

Updated further with a description of what will be my opening scenario for the PCs.

Spice and the Hutts: The scene opens with the PCs chasing a Space Master Medium Transport in the space above Tattoine. The occupants of the ship are smugglers for an up and coming Hutt named Jorrbada who is trying to make a new claim to Anchorhead trading in spice to make a name for himself. After defeating/apprehending the smugglers the PCs learn of the location of several top men in Jorrbadas crew in the town of Anchorhead.

Borin Shaw is the Jorrbadas #1 and does most of the face to face dealings for the Hutt, taking out Borin would be a huge blow to the Hutts operation and give the citizens of Anchorhead much needed relief.