I thought I knew the rule about weapons and items that have more than one surge ability, one on top of the other such as Surge: +1 damage, Surge: +1 Range. I always thought it was obvious that you can choose either/or since there are some items that have both inside the same surge cost line, but I find myself doubting that since it was brought to my attention the absurdity of that in terms of the weapon Dragon's Breath in addition to there not being stated clearly in any rule book.
Dragon's Breath has the ability Burn as well as the surge costs of 1 Surge: +1 damage, and 2 Surge: +1 Burn token. My player didn't understand this as damage from a weapon that has burn automatically creates a burn token to be placed. And since its cheaper to simply use the Surge: +1 damage he'd get a burn token anyway, causing the second surge option to be pointless.
So my question is: Do both take place at once or do you actually choose? Because if you do choose what's the deal with this rune?