I'm toying with some ideas for a deck, and looking into maesters (a few) and stalwart. But I hit against a wall to get enough draw in my deck.
What are my options to get draw in my deck as Stark/Neutral ?
I'm toying with some ideas for a deck, and looking into maesters (a few) and stalwart. But I hit against a wall to get enough draw in my deck.
What are my options to get draw in my deck as Stark/Neutral ?
I know there are some attachments and event cards with draw 1 or 2 cards. This is not a stable draw.
Some deadly/char kill effects, but this also gives no stable draw.
Samwel with ravens, but that cost a lot of space for the raven cards you need.
Sansha with attachments, could work but then you give up 20-30% of your deck to attachments (that also give draw).
Seal of the Crown, very risky to use, and no way to search your deck for the card, so needs multiple copies and still not sure you get it.
Stormdancer (especialy winter), but again not stable becouse you need to win defence..
Val, again very fickle....
Dreadfort is pretty consistant, but requires you to play the Bolton stuff (not necessarily a problem) but I dont think that goes well with the idea of your deck.
Harrenhall, not consistent and not really draw either, but stuff dying is relatively reliable
Bay of Ice if you limit yourself to high-Initiative Plots
Thats all I have off the top of my head.