Old KH Fan, New KHCCG Player

By SecretRare, in New Key Bearers

I've loved Kingdom Hearts for a long time (I have the games 1 & 2 on PS2), and I can't wait to get my hands on 358/2 days. I've recently started wanting to play Kingdom Hearts CCG, I have only got a few booster packs (1 or 2), though I don't think this is the right place to list my pulls.

I want to know what is recomended to get me started (I guess if there is a starter deck from the new set). I also wanna know if there is a "Roxas" card avadable or will I just have to play Sora as my character card (or whatever you call them). I am a big Orginazation XII & Roxas fan.

Thanks, By Luke.

Welcome to the KH forums, dude.

I'd be more welcoming, but I'm at work and don't have much time to post ^_^ ;;

As for your question concerning a Roxas player card, there aren't any out yet. But there's a fourth set coming out soon which may have the prize you seek.

Ahhh, that's good. Thanks.