So, since the narrative aspect of EotE is fantastic and allows for pretty much any genre/theme to be brought into the ruleset, I was thinking about talent trees for space marine characters.
Assuming that all characters begin play as initiates into (insert name here) chapter.
Tree 1- Scout
Tree 2- Marine
Tree 3,4- Assault Marine, Devastator Marine
Tree 5- Sergeant
Tree 6- Veteran
Tree 7- Captain
Those would show the general progression, though veteran could come before Sergeant. Specialties like Tech-Marine, Chaplain, and Apothocary would have separate trees. Chapters that combine certain trees like Space Wolves, would either have a combined tree, or perhaps use the appropriate single trees simultaneously if there are certain talents that cross-pollenate. Librarians would have their own 4 separate talent trees to show their progression from beginning to end. This progressive tree build would allow characters to start as humans and then gain the extended attributes of the space marine through various stages, most coming during the scout tree as their extra organs become fully developed.
Has anyone else thought of this?