Right, just finished running this. It took a LONG time, but I wanted a harder 'boss-battle' style fight.
So, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present Combat Test 2 - Daemon Edition!
What I’m Testing For
Daemons; what’s fighting one like?
Mid-level combat in comparison to low-level
Does starting Armour still work at Mid-Level?
Is the Threat Level really broken?
Enemy Psykers – are they as much of a pain to run as in DH1?
Are Master Enemies more dangerous (purely in terms of damage absorption)?
Broken Weapons: Specced up Sniper Rifle VS 2 Storm Bolters w/ Recoil Gloves
Force Weapons – are they still broken?
Is Nimble broken?
The Situation
Our brave Acolytes from Combat 1 have been adventuring for some time now and stand in the threshold of Rank 4. They’ve just received word that the cult they’ve been trying to take down is summoning a dangerous daemon in the lower hives. Racing there, they arrived just in time to see the creature step from its summoning circle in the summoning chamber. No one is Surprised on either side.
The room is circular, with filth covered steps leading down to the circle. It is well lit by a number of medical style halogen lights. The party stands in the doorway, the Plaguebearer is almost in the centre of the room, the Warp Caller just behind him with 2 Strain Infectors standing nearby in cowled robes. The Plaguebearer is, for the purposes of this combat, a Master enemy.
The Combat
The Plaguebearer has its own special Fear (Nausea), so the first item is for the party – and indeed the cultists – to test Fear against the Plaguebearer. Alta’s target is 30 and she barely succeeds with a 28, becoming Dazed for 1 Round. Kulem’s target is a 23 which he fails by 7DoF. This is hideously bad, so he uses Fate to reroll, getting a mere 3DoF. He leans over and begins puking. Fausta tests under 58, and succeeds with 6DoS, becoming Dazed for 4 Rounds. The Strain Infectors test under 27 – one rolls a 29, becoming Stunned for 1 Round as he vomits uncontrollably, the other rolling 84 to become Stunned for 7 Rounds! The Warp Caller succeeds, becoming Dazed for 1 Round.
With this done, Initiative is rolled. The only slightly Stunned Strain Infector goes first, followed by Kulem, followed by the incapacitated Strain Infector, followed by the Warp Caller, followed by the Plaguebearer, followed by Alta and then Fausta.
Round 1
The 1 st Strain Infector, Kulem, and the 2 nd Strain Infector pass their Turns vomiting.
The Warp Caller, squashing his gorge, decides to hit his psychic rival, Fausta, with a Pushed (PL4) Enfeeble. This takes all his AP. He tests under 37 against Fausta’s 42 Toughness. He rolls an 88, failing, but also failing to call forth any dangerous Psychic Phenomena. He ends his Turn and removes the Dazed Condition.
The Plaguebearer is intrigued by its arrival. It uses all its AP to shamble out from amongst the pillars and use its Vomit attack on the party. Both Kulem and Alta are in the line of fire. The Plaguebearer’s target is 32 – it rolls exactly 32, for 1DoS. Kulem is Stunned and can’t evade, but Alta attempts an evasion Test, target 48, and rolls a 6 for 5DoS, easily avoiding the stream of noxious bile vomited forth by the Daemon. The vomit itself deals 1d10+2E, Pen 2 damage and hit Kulem in his left arm. The Plaguebearer rolls a 3 for 5 Pen 2 damage, which would be enough to hurt Kulem if he didn’t have the Nimble Talent, which allows him to use Ab instead of Tb for damage reduction. On the other hand, the attack had Toxic (1) – Kulem tests for target 26, rolling 51 and gaining the Weakened (1) Condition. The Plaguebearer ends its Turn.
Alta decides that standing next to a Plaguebearer doesn’t really work for a sniper. She runs for Cover behind a nearby pillar (Body, Legs) and with 1AP remaining ends her turn, no longer being Dazed.
Fausta is annoyed, and hits the Warp Caller with Spontaneous Combustion at PL 3, just within her Psy Rating. She rolls a 50 for 2DoS, the Warp Caller rolling a 48 for the same. It being a tie, as Fausta has the higher Willpower, she wins. The Warp Caller bursts into flames, and gains Burning (3). As Fausta now has only 1AP left, she ends her Turn.
Round 2
The first Strain Infector pulls out his Autogun with his first AP then uses his second to slide into cover behind another pillar (Body, Legs) – in fact it is the same huge one that Alta is behind, though he is on the other side. He lets loose a burst of autogun fire at Kulem with his last AP. With a BS of 58, he rolls a 68 to hit, just missing. He ends his Turn.
Kulem and the other Strain Infector continue to vomit.
The Warp Caller begins his Turn on fire. He takes 3E Pen 0 damage to his Left Arm, but as his defence value is 4 takes no damage. His Burning is increased to 4. He spends 2AP on his turn extinguishing himself, then casts a Pushed (PL4) Hallucination at Fausta. He rolls a 54, failing again but this time triggering Phenomena, rolling a 10 for Psychic Chains. He ends his Turn with 1AP.
The Plaguebearer laughs a jolly laugh, and charges Alta, moving 4m to do so. This (including the attack) takes 2AP. He rolls a 22, for 5DoS under his target of 61. Alta attempts an Evade, target 48, and rolls a 22 for 3DoS – not enough to escape the Plaguesword’s blow. The attack hits her in the Right Leg, dealing 1d10+18R Pen 0, Sapping 2, Toxic 2 damage. The Plaguebearer rolls a 3 for a final damage, after defence value, of 13. The downward stroke slices through the thigh, creating a long bloody gash, causing Alta to suffer Blood Loss 2, and be Slowed for 2 Rounds. She also suffers 2 Fatigue, and gains Weakened (2). With 2AP remaining, and still chuckling, the Plaguebearer ends its Turn.
Alta gains 1 Fatigue due to Blood Loss. With 2AP she braces her Sniper Rifle, Disruptive Blows be damned. With her remaining 2AP, she ends her Turn.
Fausta is still Dazed, and once again casts Spontaneous Combustion – this time on the Plaguebearer, pushing to PL5. She rolls a 16 for 3DoS, the Plaguebearer rolling a 69 for 1DoF. The Plaguebearer gains Burning (5), and as she has the Warp Lock Talent, no Psychic Phenomena ensue. With 1AP remaining, she ends her Turn.
Round 3
The first Strain Infector Aims, then opens fire on Kulem again. With a target of 68 he rolls a 49 for 3DoS, enough to hit with both shots. The shots both hit Kulem’s Body. The Infector rolls an 11 (Critical!) and an 8 for damage. The critical deals Wound Effect 3 to Kulem, the other not effecting him due to Nimble. This has no effect, other than to cause a Critical Wound! With 1AP remaining, the Strain Infector ends his Turn.
Kulem finally stops vomiting, but has no AP. The other Strain Infector continues spewing.
The Warp Caller, back in the fray, moves with 2AP to behind another pillar, readying his staff with the 3 rd . With 1AP remaining, he ends his Turn.
The Plaguebearer, still chuckling, takes no damage from the fire. Instead he spends 3AP making a RoA3 attack against Alta. He rolls a 13 for 7DoS. Alta spends a Fate Point to gain a +20 bonus to her Evade Test, ensuring she tests under 48. She rolls a 23 – 3DoS, not enough to cancel ANY of the hits! The Plaguebearer rolls 24 (Critical!), 16, and 16 damage to her Head, Right Arm, and Body. She takes a 22R Critical Wound to the head, a 13R Wound to the Right Arm and a 13R Wound to the Body. The first blow removes Alta’s Left Eye, and gains an additional Blood Loss (6) and is Blinded for 8 Rounds. The next blow slices through her biceps, granting her the Weapon Skill Decay (6) and Blood Loss 2 conditions, and the last deals Strength Decay (6) and Blood Loss (3) as it sinks into her shoulder. She also gains 6 Fatigue, knocking her Unconscious, and her Weakened Condition increases to 6. The Plaguebearer ends its Turn with 1AP remaining.
Alta gains 21 Fatigue on her next Turn, and dies.
Still Dazed due to trying not to vomit, Fausta still roars a challenge to the Plaguebearer, drawing her Force Sword. With 1AP remaining, she ends her Turn.
Round 4
The first Strain Infector Aims and shoots Kulem again. With a target of 68 he rolls a 9 for 7DoS, hitting with ease in his Body and Left Leg. He rolls a 5 and 3 for damage, not scratching the Desperado. With 1AP remaining he ends his Turn.
Kulem is pissed off. He draws his Storm Bolters, and opens fire with one into the Plaguebearer’s back. With a target of 39 he rolls a 5 for 4DoS, doubled to 8DoS by Storm. The Daemonic Forcefield reduces this by a paltry 3. Nothing can stop the storm bolters! He rolls 13 and 12R Pen 2 damage to the Plaguebearer’s Left Leg and Right Arm. He deals a 4R Wound to the Plaguebearer’s Leg and a 2R Wound to its Arm, neither causing particular effect. With 1AP remaining he attacks with his second Storm Bolter, hoping to cause greater effect, rolling 59(!) for 2DoS after Storm, just enough to hit. The Plaguebearer rolls an Evade of 96, failing to Dodge. Kulem rolls a Critical 16R Pen 2 Wound to the Body and 13R Pen 2 Wound to the Body. These cause a Wound effect 17R to the Plaguebearer’s Body and a 14R Wound effect to the same location. Being immune to Blood Loss, the only real effect is Strength Decay (4), and of course, the Wounds themselves. With no AP remaining, he ends his turn.
The other Strain Infector is still vomiting.
The Warp Caller grins a savage grin and leaps round the pillar, charging Fausta with his Staff. He needs to roll 18 or under, and rolls 32 and misses. With no AP remaining he ends his turn.
The Plaguebearer’s still on fire. It doesn’t care. Shambling forth, it charges Kulem. With a target of 61 it just misses with a roll of 71. With 2AP remaining, it ends its turn.
Fausta, still sadly dazed, uses all her AP to swing her Force Sword at the Warp Caller. She misses, horrendously. Whoops.
Round 5
The first Strain Infector opens fire again, this time using all his AP to Aim and fire a 4 shot burst. Rolling a 32 he hits with all 4 shots! He rolls 9, 5, 3, and 11 (Critical – again!) on Kulem, dealing an 11I wound to Kulem’s Left Arm, and a 13I Critical Wound to his Left Leg. Staggered by the first shot (but with no effect), the second punches deep into the muscle of the limb, but has no further effect.
Kulem spends a Fate Point to remove his Critical Wound and risks triggering a Disruptive Blow from the Plaguebearer by firing his Storm Bolter. He gains 5DoS on the attack. The Daemonic Force Field doesn’t prevent the hits, and the hits both deal 14R Pen 2 to the Right Arm and the Body. The first deals a 29R effect to the Arm, the second dealing a 30R effect to the Body. The shot blasts off the Plaguebearer’s Arm, the second rips the Plaguebearer in half. Being immune to Blood Loss, he merely suffers the Lost Legs, Lost Internal Organs, and Lost Right Arm conditions along with 11 permanent Strength Damage and 4 Permanent Weapon Skill damage. No longer having a sword, the Plaguebearer can’t use a Disruptive Blow. With 2AP remaining, Kulem fires a last pair of shots at the Plaguebearer from his second Storm Bolter. He hits with another 5DoS, the Daemonic forcefield AGAIN failing to work, the shots dealing 11R Pen 2 and 12R Pen 2 damage to the Head and Left Arm respectively. A 27R effect to the Head and a 27R effect to the Left Arm. The Plaguebearer’s eye is gouged from its skull and it loses 3 Perception. Its other arm is removed. It’s still alive. With 1AP remaining, Kulem ends his Turn.
The Strain Infector…keeps vomiting.
The Warp Caller winds up a Staff strike, actually hitting with 2DoS. He deals 10 damage, hitting her in the head for wound effect 5I, leaving an impressive bruise. He has 1AP remaining, and ends his Turn.
The Plaguebearer has only one thing left it can really do – it spends all its AP on its Vomit Attack, target of 32, and rolling 84, missing. It ends its Turn.
Fausta, now with full AP and not dazed, casts Smite on the Warp Caller with PL3, rolling 13 for 6DoS. Three bolts of bio-lightning spring from her mouth and eyes and smack the Warp Caller in the Head, Left Arm and Body. The Warp caller fails his Evade test and is hit with all 3. They do 10E, 5E and 10E Pen 1 respectively, giving a 7E wound effect to the Head, and killing with the second bolt. The Warp Caller convulses violently as his flesh melts from his bones and he dies. With 1AP remaining, Fausta ends her Turn.
Round 6
Strain Infector 1, spotting a new target in the powerful psyker who just killed the Warp Caller, shoots an Aim/1AP ranged attack at her. He hits with 6DoS. Fausta doesn’t Evade, as it would waste an AP and be ineffective. He rolls 8I, and 7I Pen 0 damage to her Head, and Left Arm. This causes an 8I Wound effect to her Head and a 6I Wound effect to her Arm. The first bullet slams into her cowled head and slams her head down, knocking her Prone and giving her 1 Fatigue ,the second leaving only a painful welt. With 1AP remaining, he ends his Turn.
Kulem is almost – almost! – sorry for the Plaguebearer. He moves to cover (Body, Legs) behind a nearby pillar and opens up on the Plaguebearer with 1AP of shooting. He rolls a 61, missing. He spends another AP to shoot his second Storm Bolter and rolls a 3 for a whopping 10DoS. He deals 14R Pen 2 and 10R Pen 2 damage, both hitting the Body. The first shot delivers a Wound effect 40R, ripping the Plaguebearer in half (again!) and coating an area 10m in radius – enough to cover everyone except Strain Infector 2 – with warp viscera. Fausta gains 4 Insanity Points, and Strain Infector 1 gains 5. This area is now difficult terrain. With 1AP remaining, Kulem ends his turn.
Strain Infector 2…he’s just keeping on vomiting.
Fausta hauls herself to her feet, and launches another PL3 Smite – this time at Strain Infector 1. She rolls a 79, spends a Fate Point to reroll (recalled by Shrine World) and rolls a 5 for 6DoS. He attempts to Evade, rolling a 75 for 5DoF. Ouch. The arcs of bioelectricity hit each of his Legs (nicely in cover), then his Head, dealing 5E, 7E and 11E Pen 1 damage respectively. Two of the arcs of electricity spatter feebly on the pillar, but one smacks him in the head for a 6E wound effect. With no AP remaining, she ends her Turn.
Round 7
Strain Infector 1 fires an Aim/2AP attack at Fausta, rolling a 24 for 5DoS, hitting with all 4 shots. He rolls 2I, 4I, 6I and 9I damage to her Right Arm, Body, Body, and Right Leg. The first hit obviously does nothing, as do the second and third, but the fourth does an 18I Wound effect, snapping her leg and punching out the other side for 1 Fatigue and a crippled limb. With 0AP remaining, he ends his Turn.
Kulem decides to open up on Strain Infector 2, using 1AP for his first attack, and hitting with 4DoS in the Right Arm and Body. He deals 2 Wounds. He uses 1AP for his next attack with the other storm bolter, rolling 14 for 10DoS, and killing Strain Infector 2 in a spray of gore. He uses one more AP to shift around the pillar to get a better position on Strain Infector 1.
Fausta, using 2AP, hobbles behind the same pillar as Kulem to evade Strain Infector 1’s shots. She then uses 1AP to Push cast Spontaneous Combustion at PL5, rolling a 68 but spending a Fate Point and rerolling to get 1DoS with a 34. The last cultist gets Burning (5). With 1AP remaining, she ends her Turn.
Round 8
The Strain Infector, on fire but taking no damage yet, shifts around the Pillar with his first AP to get out of Kulem’s firing line. He now has Fausta in his sights again, and uses his last 2AP to fire an unaimed burst of 4 shots. With a roll of 83, he misses.
Kullem decides overkill is the answer, and opens up with 2AP’s worth of Storm Bolter shots, rolling 75 and missing. With his second Storm bolter he rolls a 19 for 10DoS, hitting Head, Left Arm, Body (in Cover) and Right Leg (in Cover). But it doesn’t matter, because the other two shots blew him away.
What I’ve learned
Daemons – ridiculously hard to deal with – excellent! Especially when treated like a Master. Useful to note that Elite vulnerability to the 10% death chance continues to be a potential issue…
Good old fashioned DH ‘everyone dies/is hurt pretty badly’ combat. Think that Threat Level works best when you take Average Rank +1 to generate combat like this one. More testing required to confirm.
Took AGES. Nothing new though – first ever DH1 combat lasted 2hrs of real time, under a minute in game. Oh Rounds.
Starting Armour still works. Little incentive to get more, as even Power Armour won’t help that much against the incredible Plaguesword.
Enemy Psykers – much more fluid to run, though still issues with looking up powers.
Master enemies – jesus Christ, that damage absorption. Really cool stuff – especially for a Nurgle daemon!
Broken Weapons: Yes, Storm Bolters and Recoil gloves are. Full Auto, once better weapons are acquired, does seem notably more powerful, especially when considering that the Sniper Rifle can’t be drawn and fired in one Turn. Sniper Rifle DEFINITELY needs a drop from Heavy to Basic, and possibly RoF increase to 1/2. Recoil Gloves need a disadvantage – test Strength each time or gain Fatigue?
Force Weapons – hard to tell, as ever the problem is low WS.
Nimble – somewhat ridiculous, as according to RaW, could still work when Kulem was Stunned. That DEFINITELY needs to be fixed. Otherwise – it kind of works as an idea, and did cost a lot to get to.
Weakened, Blood Loss – loving them. The new Fatigue is good too.
Burning – very underpowered, needs something more impressive like dealing 1d10+X damage, no increases per Round, rather than just X.
Some papercutting issues late in a combat.
Should a Disruptive Blow be resolved before, or after the attack that triggers it? If before, should it disrupt the attack?
Should Push give a penalty to the test AND a higher chance of Phenomena? Ruled out by Warp Lock, but still – should be considered to give it bonus (like additional qualities for Pushed powers, as has been suggested).
Do Sapping and Toxic stack with each blow? I assumed they did, but they might not.
Novice NPCs – are they deliberately meant to be weaker to a RoA 2+ attack, or is this unintentional? If the former, why? If the latter, what could be done to fix it?
When Daemons lose bodyparts due to wound effects, are the wounds on that limb lost as well? In fact, is that true of any character?