Despite a wealth of potential for regular expansions it doesn't seem as if this game is getting any buzz about expansions. I am personally surprised it wasn't moved into a LCG type status that gets new teams every two to three months. This is one of my favorite games to play and I would love to see more expansions. Does anyone out there with knowledge know if Fantasy Flight is even interested in making more expansions? Does anyone know how well sales were for Sudden Death? It would be nice just to know if anything is even planned instead of people speculating about what teams would be involved.
Any Hope For More Expansions?
Yeah I'd love to see more expansions too. I remember even making up my own teams for the local play group and running "seasons" of a local "league" - fun times! We even had Norse, Amazon, and our own brew of Undead, Vampires and Dark Elves, way before Sudden Death was announced.
I remember reading somewhere (can't recall where though) that FFG meant to make BB an LCG: would have been plain awesome if it had been.
Perhaps a "limited" LCG would work great: 2 to 3 expansions per year mayhaps?
I have read on other forums that FFG has bought the rights to GWs specialist game range and will be producing the Blood Bowl board game. This is just a rumour and I don't really believe it. Just wondering if anyone has heard the same rumour or has anything substantial to confirm or deny it?
Edited by Kong-linAfter seeing nothing be announced at Gen Con I fear this game may be done with expansions. I was holding out hope for a possible annual expansion that would be announced every year at Gen Con but it doesn't seem like that is in the cards.
FFG boardgame catalogue is pretty huge now... I'd not be worried for not seeing yearly based expansions coming out for this game here.. Look at Wiz-War: the first expansion was announced two years after the core game release. I'm quite confident that sooner or later something new related to BBTM will hit the shelves, it's too an awesome game to be forgotten
I can't help on whether FFG will release another add-on or not, but I must add that I to think this is an awesome game. When my friends get together for a games session will always have this as part of our session...its just a lot of fun in a simple package.
FFG keep supporting this game, it is fantastic. MORE TEAMS PLEASE !!
Honestly Sudden Death did not bring much to the game. The teams are cool but none of the new stuff feels necessary to the experience. As much as I´d love to get some new teams out at some point, I don't think new rules or variations are that beneficial to the game. At worst increasing complexity won't be doing anything good, plus it's quite a long game already. I can't imagine a new expansion with three new teams with no real relationship in terms of alignment coming along with their own new mechanisms. Like what, a deck with Lizardmen, Hobbits and High Elves? Come on. I don't see what a fourth division would comprise of, and I don't see either how each of the existing divisions could possibly welcome a fourth team, the impact would just be too much. So that I don't feel a new expansion would become a "natural" addition to the game without introducing flaws, complexity or unfairness between the teams. The game needs to stay balanced. I´m no game designer but it feels like this game is stuffed already, plus all major races are already covered.
The more we play with Sudden Death the more we realize the original game was just the same. Still, new teams are cool, it brings some variation. Doesn't change the fact some of them would need some help (Dwarves, Vampires), but whatever.
Edited by IndalecioI'd be happy if they just released some of the missing teams as PoD blister packs (One team per pack ), Another expansion like Sudden Death would be awesome, but just getting some of the missing teams would keep me happy.
They print it, I'll buy it for this game.
I'd be happy if they just released some of the missing teams as PoD blister packs (One team per pack )
Problem with PoD is that as soon as you start having Star Players in your deck, your opponents will immediately know if you have any in your hand (the back of the cards will visibily be different)
But I do second the idea of another expansion coming
Honestly Sudden Death did not bring much to the game. The teams are cool but none of the new stuff feels necessary to the experience. As much as I´d love to get some new teams out at some point, I don't think new rules or variations are that beneficial to the game. At worst increasing complexity won't be doing anything good, plus it's quite a long game already. I can't imagine a new expansion with three new teams with no real relationship in terms of alignment coming along with their own new mechanisms. Like what, a deck with Lizardmen, Hobbits and High Elves? Come on. I don't see what a fourth division would comprise of, and I don't see either how each of the existing divisions could possibly welcome a fourth team, the impact would just be too much. So that I don't feel a new expansion would become a "natural" addition to the game without introducing flaws, complexity or unfairness between the teams. The game needs to stay balanced. I´m no game designer but it feels like this game is stuffed already, plus all major races are already covered.
The more we play with Sudden Death the more we realize the original game was just the same. Still, new teams are cool, it brings some variation. Doesn't change the fact some of them would need some help (Dwarves, Vampires), but whatever.
I agree that it didn't transform the game experience in the way many expansions do, but it did add to the game a little. I liekd the new teams, and the enchanted balls, and downed skills.
I'd agree that rebalancing is needed, certainly, and that Dwarves are definitely near the bottom of the pile. Perhaps what is needed with another expansion is another game element - maybe an alternate reward that can be taken in place of something else - which favours the weaker teams.
I think finding three aligned factions wouldn't be too hard though. There's a ton of teams unused from the board game still, and there's a lot of WFB factions that never saw representation in the board game. Plus, who is to say that we can't add to the existing confederations? A Bretonnian team plus some add ons to the Old World Alliance would be cool, for example.
I would love to see some effect making a team borrow, illegally buy or even steal (mind control?) players from other teams, even temporarily. That could help some of the weaker teams battle against their opposition. I would also like to see some form of player re-commitment effect allowing you to re-use the skills of a given player. I´m not sure how that would play out, if it would require a team upgrade to enable, but maybe that would be a solution too for making weaker teams more efficient since their skills would be tighter. I was also thinking about a bounce effect forcing a player (at a matchup your team is involved in) to move a commited player to another matchup (and apply his skills). I guess there is room available for quite fun shenaningans effects.
The reason why I was thinking this is that since we can't possibly put all teams on the same power level, maybe some more chaotic/sneaky effects are required to remove some of the gaps between these teams as the game is progressing. In my understanding of the BB world, there is a large portion of the game dedicated to sneaky wizards commanding at players, guys hiding balls or mining the field etc. I mean it doesn't have to be a more complex game than it is, but maybe some team upgrades could be released with these kind of effects so it just takes the place of the existing cards. Game changers could be fun.
Second expansion is on gaming stores.