
By TechVoid, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hallo folks,

I wonder about the Codex Power: Avenger (p. 194 Core Rules).

There is written at the end: [..], due to the horrific nature of the psychic flames, the Penetration of the attack is equal to 2 x PR.

My point is: When attacking hordes, the damage is based on the range which means that a higher PR has no effect on the horde.

My suggestion is to make the Range of the Power 10m x PR.

What do you think?


-- TechVoid.

That's an enormous area at higher PR levels and bould be completely undodgeable, which would make it too useful against its other targets, elite and master enemies.

It's not meant to be only used against Hordes. PRx2 means that a Psy Rating 3 character can just about cut through Terminator armour with it. Actually he could cut through the armour of a whole group of Terminators. :)

I am not fully convinced, that this modification ist overpowered. Because, after a second thought, it does not increase the damage.

So, even if a Psy Rating leads to a high Penetration which might even penetrate the Terminator Armour what does a Heavy Flamer do as damage? According to the errata: 1d10+12.

Thus the base damage goes with the unnatural toughness and the 1d10 makes 5 damage on the average. C'mon.

Maybe we can go like this:

Range: PR x 5m

Damage: 1d10 + (2 x PR)

Pen: PR

Thus a Psy Rating of 6 leads to the stats of a Heavy Flamer. Now it depends on the Librarian if he has to Push the Power or if he is able to make it unfettered.

What do you think?


-- TechVoid

I wouldn't increase the range - as noted, it becomes too good against elites, too quickly for a good psyker.

Equally, the power it's canonically based on was a heavy flamer that could punch through armour, rather than a horde-murdering wave of fire (beyond what a heavy flamer is capable of anyway :D ) - it's quite deliberate that it's no better against hordes at higher power levels. It's mostly a marine-killer.

If you really want to up the killyness against hordes, give it an extra trait of Devastating (PR)?