Fly ability.

By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Sorry if the question was already ask but I search a long time and find nothing....

Is a heros with fly ability is immune to trap (Pit, blades, the one with arrows....) play by the overlord (Or not...)?


To best of my knowledge, no they are not immune to the Trap cards.

And if the trap are already on the map?

If its visible already on the map, like a pit, then they can fly over it.

Fly only helps against obstacles. Scything Blades, Dart Fields, Rolling Boulders, and Crushing Walls are not considered obstacles and the Fly ability confers no advantages with respect to them (you still take damage on contact, and you can't fly over rolling boulders or crushing walls).

Pits and lava, however, are obstacles, and figures with Fly can move through them without taking damage.

I seem to recall a ruling that figures with Fly could still take damage from obstacles if they enter the space involuntarily (e.g. due to Knockback), but I can't seem to find a reference to that at the moment.

Ok thanks!

Antistone said:

I seem to recall a ruling that figures with Fly could still take damage from obstacles if they enter the space involuntarily (e.g. due to Knockback), but I can't seem to find a reference to that at the moment.

I'm interest if someone find the reference!