Alright, so anyone who has played a decent number of FFG games knows that one of their biggest weaknesses is in having clear and easy to understand rules, and well-organized instructions. How many times have you been looking through a FFG rulebook or RPG book for a specific rule and then not been able to find the rule you wanted OR had a rule pertinent to one system being included in the chapter on a completely different system. I know that I've missed a lot of rules this way. Did you know that in Rogue Trader you always get the option to exchange DoS for your damage roll? I did not know this until I happened to be making a combat guide for new players. Too many rules like this only get mentioned once, or have no examples or Callout box to help players and GMs remember them.
That said, let's make this thread be about suggestions regarding organization and usability of the rulebook. I'm currently writing up a big suggestion on changes to the layout of the narrative chapter, but here are a couple minor things I've noticed.
How much ammunition is expended by a weapon seems to only be noted on one page (page 201) in a single paragraph under the header "Rate of Attack". That's not easy at all to look up, and can easily be missed. Add a Specific Header called "Ammunition for Ranged Attacks" and maybe even mention back in the Armory section on RoF, Damage, Clip Size, and so on how ammunition works.
The rules on starvation are hidden in the narrative chapter on page 245. This would probably be better suited to go with the rules on Fatigue and Conditions starting on 205.
So yeah, any other suggestions like this that people have? What rules should be moved around/rewritten in order to make them easier to look up and understand?