Columbus Ohio 3rd Anniversary Starter Explosion!

By vermillian2, in UFS Tourney Reports

Hey all. Since I neglected to register properly for the event where in we give new people an opportunity to get free cards to play with, I'll post some form of results here.

We had 16 players. Well, more, but we only had 16 starters :P

Jonathan Reese
Chris Corbitt
Matt Martin
Derek Copp
Jon Kinser
Gavin Corbitt
Paul Ludin
Timothy Pertuset
Chris Gardner
Leslie Lofton III
Jacob Emrick
Diezmond Pina
Gary Garland
Jackson Ludin
Heath Gray
Martha Copp

I roll in like a storm shouting about the game, and bossing around any of my players that already knew how to play to teach people with demo decks. Chaos insues. Glorious Chaos! 7ish starters are distributed and to save time we tell the players "just play with them you'll get packs at the end of three rounds if you stay!" (saves on deck building time... one kid had a 9 PM curfew). The store owner was saying something like "akuma-matata" when akuma was passed out... Akuma means 'devil' and I'm now seeing The Lion King in a whole new light...

Games: No idea. I know who beat who and that the final game of one of the top two's was won with a Melancholic Mercurious multipled out. I gave away the entire 16 card prize support and the box toppers (OMG a Cammy!?!) plus some of my own older promos I don't care about (well some i do). I gave out one of my three play mats I own at random. I will be given out the Morrigan playmat next week.

Grats to Heath Gray and Derek Copp. They decided to split first place prize seeing as how they live close to each other and are friends. Top prize being the play mat, an extra promo or three and a street fighter comic.

Shout out to James and Matt for helping out, specifically James, as he thought he was getting a free starter, but he had fun saying "I learned alot by teaching others how to play! And it was really fun! I want to do this again!". Shout out to Matt Martin. If you're reading, you'll get the hang of the game quick man. Its totally different from YuGi. I am not saying its a better game, or worse, just different. Shout out to the Washington Court house trio. I'll see you soon hopefully.

I have to say this was really fun. If I had any doubts about getting into the game they are all gone. The tourny was really fun and I am starting to love the game. I hope we see just as many people there next week as we did this week. It was finally nice to meet some of the people I have talked to on here face to face. I look foward to becoming a better player with this play group.

Good turnout! Let us know how many players you get next week. Hopefully you can retain some of those for your normal games.