How ammunition is expended

By Nimsim, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Maybe I missed it in the rules, but does it state anywhere how you count ammo expenditure? Is it based on RoF, how many possible hits you can make, how many actual hits you make, or what? Unless I missed it, this seems like a pretty humorous oversight. I've seen some other mentions of references to pinning and other rules that have been taken out.

Could this be an opportunity to throw out a mechanic that most people don't seem to follow/one that adds more book-keeping? Could it somehow be tied to a combination of degrees of success/failure and RoF?

Page 201: RoA also determines how much ammo is expended by weapons with ammo when making the attack, regardless of how many hits were achieved.

Ah, there it is! That could stand to be included in the Armory under RoF, ammunition, and Reload, I'd say.

Yes, we ran our first game yesterday, and there was much flicking back and forth and checking rules. This 1 hit pr DoS thing was somewhat hidden :) The example text under the Attack Actions mentions it, but the rule does not.