question from a newbie

By Doctor Beeching, in CoC Rules Discussion


I've just got my copy of the the game - I've never played it before, so I'm coming to it totally new. I'm hoping to have my first game this coming weekend.

I've gone through the rules and there are a few things I'm not sure about. First off, I've a question about deck size. I noticed a section in the rule book about tournment decks being a minimum of 50 cards, but what about normal play? The rulebook says just combine two of the mini decks with some of the "neutral" cards. However, some of the decks have different numbers of cards in them. Would this make a difference to the game?

Also, If anyone has any suggestions for combinations to make two decks for a first game that would be appreciated too!

I'm sure there will be more things I don't understand - but any help from old timers is much appreciated!


Cthulhu''s Uncle said:


I've just got my copy of the the game - I've never played it before, so I'm coming to it totally new. I'm hoping to have my first game this coming weekend.

I've gone through the rules and there are a few things I'm not sure about. First off, I've a question about deck size. I noticed a section in the rule book about tournment decks being a minimum of 50 cards, but what about normal play? The rulebook says just combine two of the mini decks with some of the "neutral" cards. However, some of the decks have different numbers of cards in them. Would this make a difference to the game?

Also, If anyone has any suggestions for combinations to make two decks for a first game that would be appreciated too!

I'm sure there will be more things I don't understand - but any help from old timers is much appreciated!



You're right, if you're playing just with the Core set, a deck will only consist of 47 cards: two factions with 20 cards each and 7 neutral cards; the conspiracy card is actually never used.

Miskatonic is one card short and Agency has one extra because Card F23, which should be a part of the Miskatonic University faction is printed as an Agency faction card - "Steve Clarney".

So, yes, the decks wouldn't be tournament legal, but you probably wouldn't want to build a deck using just the Core set for a tournament, anyway.

The first chapter of the adventure league allows adding two Asylum Packs at the start, so you'll have enough cards to create a tournament legal one.

jhaelen said:

the game! happy.gif

You're right, if you're playing just with the Core set, a deck will only consist of 47 cards: two factions with 20 cards each and 7 neutral cards; the conspiracy card is actually never used.

Miskatonic is one card short and Agency has one extra because Card F23, which should be a part of the Miskatonic University faction is printed as an Agency faction card - "Steve Clarney".

Ah! That explains it! - The stray conspiracy card was my next question!

I take it that you count card F23 as a Miskatonic card.

Thanks for your help, that makes things clearer.

Cthulhu''s Uncle said:

I take it that you count card F23 as a Miskatonic card.

Please note, however, that the official rule is to treat F23 as an Agency card. I assume they thought it was less confusing that way but we've never had a problem remembering even when playing a deck with Agency and Miskatonic (though you have to be careful when using the card as a resource).